Susan Penney and Ruth Bennett, Miamisburg, OH
Tips of the Day
LMS course completion
Betty Andrews, Jacksonville, FL
Goldsboro, NC, Retail Associate Larry James
Word to the wise
Advice offered for creating strong online passwords
Line of fire
USPS responds to Washington wildfires
Scanning scorecard
Western Area, Sacramento District lead performance standings
Postal pen pals
USPS email correspondents finally meet
Florida Today column
Tips of the Day
Erasing data
Renea Puckett, Fayetteville, NC
Hit list
‘Elvis Presley Forever’ CD makes big debut
Shipping surge
Packages up, mail down in latest household study
Heroes’ corner
Employees work together to help injured driver
Outside the box
Kentucky plant takes new approach to recycling
Tips of the Day
What’s MPE?
John Lamuraglia, Rochester, NY
Tracie White, Arlington VA
Lawrenceville, GA, Customer Services Supervisor Janelle Cason
Increasing investments
Third-quarter report highlights new vehicles, equipment
Dear Mr. President
White House website highlights handwritten letters
In the know
Informed Visibility offers up-to-the-minute mailing data
Kevin Slayden, Pleasant View, TN
Jordan, MN, Postmaster Karen Keller
Lynn Drake, Greensboro, NC
Tips of the Day
Delivery done right
Happiness and cheer
USPS previews ‘Charlie Brown Christmas,’ other stamps
Honoring heroes
USPS to sell National Day of Service cards
War stories
Postal veteran helps shield families of the fallen
Bigger bite
Food retailer to spend $1.4 million with USPS