This correspondence analyst helps USPS handle congressional inquiries

This correspondence analyst helps USPS handle congressional inquiries
This customer services supervisor learns something new every day
This congressional liaison answers questions from lawmakers on Capitol Hill
For this employee, his USPS job is a continuation of his military service
A carrier found success with USPS after his military career
This ethics attorney works to ensure USPS remains among the country’s most trusted agencies
This retail associate puts a premium on customer service
These employees helped keep USPS moving forward in 2024
A rural carrier finds joy in serving customers — on the clock and off
A Guam letter carrier takes pride in his role in the community
This letter carrier has walked the same route for 41 years
This USPS truck driver loves life on the road — and on the farm
This rural carrier relies on a ferry to deliver part of his route
The EAP administrator ensures employees get the support they need
This national park postmaster never wants to leave
This driving safety instructor took a few turns in his career
This employee helps USPS respond to public information requests
This retail associate is blooming where she’s planted
We’re on the lookout for ‘On the Job’ subjects
This plant supervisor nurtures teamwork
For this employee, a USPS career means stability
This Polish-born employee takes pride in his postal position
This group leader is a key player at the USPS Remote Encoding Center
This newly hired postal inspector is fulfilling a longtime dream
This delivery support specialist nurtures careers
This carrier relishes the fresh air and exercise on his walking route
This postmaster walks the walk when it comes to helping customers
This letter carrier takes pride in his ‘important job’
This mail processing clerk gives ‘100 percent’
This carrier ensures customers always get their mail