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Erasing data

Before returning a mobile phone or tablet to Information Technology, consider backing up the contents on a computer before erasing it . On most devices, the erase function is found under “settings.” For assistance, contact IT Self Help. […]

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Pocono Summit, PA, employees

When Pocono Summit, PA, Retail Associate Donna Bethel lost consciousness and stopped breathing recently, her co-workers at the Pocono Summit, PA, Post Office were there to help. After Bethel collapsed, everyone realized they needed to work together to help her. As a group, the employees contacted emergency personnel, performed CPR and alerted Bethel’s family. The […]

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Celebrating courage

The Postal Service will release stamps next week to honor the bravery of the U.S. armed forces. The four stamps will highlight the Army Distinguished Service Cross, the Navy Cross for the Navy and Marine Corps, the Air Force Cross and the Coast Guard Cross. The medals are awarded to service members for acts of […]

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Postal perspective

Before Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and email there were…postcards. Postcards used to be the go-to quick and easy option for those wishing to stay in touch with friends and family. They revolutionized the way individuals communicated in the early 20th century for only a penny according to a recent news report. “It was like the email […]

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Sarah’s smile

Sarah Fugate of De Soto, KS, had a memorable 20th birthday recently, with some help from the Postal Service. Sarah, who has autism, enjoys playing with dolls and opening the mail. For her birthday, her mother posted a request on Facebook, asking friends and family to send birthday letters. More than 300 letters arrived from […]

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Out of network

The Postal Service reminds employees to protect sensitive or sensitive-enhanced information when sending emails from work computers and devices to external or non-postal recipients. Employees who are authorized to share these types of information with external recipients should use the Enterprise Encryption Service to ensure safe transmission. Sensitive and sensitive-enhanced information includes: Personally identifiable information […]

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Negotiations continue

USPS and the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) have agreed to extend contract negotiations on a new collective bargaining agreement. The contract with the NALC expired midnight Friday, May 20. USPS and the NALC mutually decided to extend negotiations beyond the deadline. The NALC represents approximately 210,000 letter carriers. The Postal Service and the […]

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Marcela MacLean, Lakewood, CA

Lakewood, CA, Letter Carrier Marcela MacLean was delivering mail recently when she noticed a man lying on his porch. He had fallen from his walker and was badly bleeding. MacLean helped the man, John Erickson, inside his home. She also called 911 and asked his neighbors to help. Erickson’s wife, Marilyn, later wrote a letter […]

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Flag notice

May 21 is Armed Forces Day, one of six days each year that Postal Service facilities are required to fly the POW-MIA flag. The flag honors the sacrifices made by members of the armed forces held as prisoners of war or listed as missing in action. Facilities that are open Saturday must display the POW-MIA […]

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Sound bites

The Postal Service hit the radio airwaves this week to offer the public tips on preventing dog attacks against letter and rural carriers. “Dog attacks are a nationwide issue,” Safety Director Linda DeCarlo told WKYW of Philadelphia, one of almost 20 radio interviews on the topic this week. “Even good dogs have bad days.” More […]

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Under the stars

Matt Dieterich will never forget the night he photographed the spectacular star trail shown on the Postal Service’s upcoming Mount Rainier National Park stamp. Dieterich was in the park last June when he noticed a pink aurora spreading through the sky. He drove down to Mount Rainier’s Reflection Lake to capture it with his camera. […]

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Increased returns

The Postal Service’s second-quarter operating revenue rose to $17.7 billion, a 4.7 percent increase over the same period last year, Chief Financial Officer Joe Corbett reports in his latest “Dollars and Change” video message. Corbett attributes the rise to double-digit increases in shipping and package volumes, pricing strategies and the performance of USPS employees. “January […]

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Using eIDP

The Electronic Individual Development Plan course (number 10023685) can help Executive and Administrative Schedule employees identify relevant developmental and career opportunities. The course is available through the Learning Management System. […]

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Bonfield, IL, Rural Carrier Laurie Ellerman and Retail Associate Kati Gogolka-Delude

Bonfield, IL, Rural Carrier Laurie Ellerman and Retail Associate Kati Gogolka-Delude became concerned recently when a customer tried to mail a cashier’s check for $9,000 overseas. He said he needed to send the money to insure foreign lottery winnings. The customer had sent another cashier’s check for $10,000 the day before. The duo notified the […]

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Scanning scorecard

The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.47 percent during the week ending May 13, up from the previous week. Forty-three districts and two areas exceeded the national average. Dakotas (98.47 percent) led the districts, while Western (97.78 percent) topped the areas. Scanning allows customers to track their packages and other mail. It also helps […]

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Good news

Postal Service employees are applauding Link mobile, saying the site helps them keep up with news about USPS. The mobile-friendly version of the Link site allows employees to consume news articles, videos and feature stories on their smartphones and tablets. “The stories are quick reads but interesting,” said Buffalo, NY, Letter Carrier Frank Franklin. “It […]

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Fast money

USPS has introduced a service that helps businesses collect payments faster for merchandise sent to their customers through the mail. Collect on Delivery/Electronic Funds Transfer (COD/EFT) allows mailers to ship merchandise first and have the Postal Service collect cash payments later. The payments are sent directly to the mailer’s financial institution within 48 hours. The […]

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In the know

The USPS Library will host a training webinar on researching company and financial information Wednesday, May 25, from 3–4 p.m. EDT on LexisNexis, an online research database available on the library’s Subscription Databases site. Participants will learn how to use LexisNexis Dossier to generate prospecting lists of companies customized by industry, geographic location or other […]

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Matthew Webster, Cherokee, NC

Cherokee, NC, Rural Carrier Matthew Webster recently saw a woman lying on a sidewalk with blood on her head. She had called 911 after suffering a dizzy spell and collapsing. Webster shielded the woman from the sun and stayed with her until an ambulance arrived. She was taken to a hospital, where she recovered. […]

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‘It was amazing’

Postal Service employees across the nation collected food for people in need during the May 14 Stamp Out Hunger drive. The collection total is still being tallied, but some local numbers are being reported. Twenty-seven tons were collected in Elkhart, IN, The Elkhart Truth reported, while the High Point, NC, Post Office, was on track […]

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