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Stay aware

Melissa Hardin says it’s important for USPS employees to protect themselves from dog attacks every day. The Cranford, NJ, letter carrier applauds the Postal Service for making dog bite prevention an area of focus. “Safety is our number one priority whether in the office or on the street,” Hardin says. To prevent attacks, Hardin follows […]

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Star is born

A new Postal Service video highlights the recent Star Ribbon stamp dedication ceremony. The 1-minute segment features a dance performance and clips of the speakers, including Michael Elston, the USPS Board of Governors’ acting secretary. “The new Star Ribbon stamp offers a fresh take on the five-pointed star, one of America’s most enduring symbols,” Elston […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.76 percent during the week ending June 14, up from one week earlier. Western (97.98 percent) led the areas, while Dakotas (99.11 percent) topped the districts. Scanning allows customers to track their packages and mail, and it helps USPS improve efficiency and network management. To see […]

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Outside employment

The Postal Service wants employees to follow the rules on seeking employment outside the organization. Federal law and the government’s standards of ethical conduct don’t prohibit postal workers from seeking a job with any particular employer. However, employees can’t seek or accept another job if it presents a conflict of interest with their current duties. […]

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Delivering safely

Los Angeles District letter carriers are donning special T-shirts during a multi-pronged campaign to reduce dog attacks against USPS employees. On Saturdays from June through August, carriers will wear shirts that read, “Help Us Deliver Safely” and “Any Dog Can Bite.” The campaign also includes informational postcards that will be mailed to 150,000 households that […]

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Hailing the chief

George H.W. Bush’s lifelong commitment to public service was highlighted during the June 12 dedication ceremony for the stamp honoring the 41st president. “President Bush once compared the United States to a ‘thousand points of light’ that are ‘spread like stars.’ And even after his death last year, his star still burns bright — his […]

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Hear her smile

Tanisha Coleman wants customers to hear her smile when she answers the phone. The Troy, MI, customer care agent responds to dozens of calls each day, including customers inquiring about package deliveries. “I try to empathize with the customer and tell them I’m a customer of the Postal Service, too. By showing empathy and becoming […]

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Earning an ‘A’

Kelvin Williams, the Postal Service’s employee engagement executive director, recently received the National Diversity Award from African-American Postal League United for Success (A-PLUS). The award recognizes postal leaders who are positive role models, support diversity and display exemplary service. Williams is the third recipient of the award. Previous honorees were Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan […]

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Spread the word

The Postal Service wants managers, supervisors and others to tell craft employees about Link mobile, the Link site’s mobile-friendly version. Link mobile offers the same content available on Link’s desktop version — including news reports, feature stories and informational videos — but in a format that’s easy to read on smartphones, tablets and other mobile […]

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‘A transformational leader’

Isaac Cronkhite has been named the Postal Service’s chief human resources officer, a position he has held on an acting basis since January. Cronkhite leads the organization’s efforts to engage employees, strengthen workplace experiences, and foster and cultivate talent to ensure workers are positioned to meet customers’ evolving needs. In a June 13 memo announcing […]

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Rural reliability

My name is Jason Stokes, and I’m a rural carrier in Manassas, VA. My customers like knowing they will get their mail at the same time each day, so I strive to provide on-time deliveries they can depend on. I start my shift by “casing” my mail and loading my truck. I have one of […]

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On the go

Honolulu District introduced a mobile retail unit — a food truck-sized vehicle decked out in USPS colors — at a recent arts fair in Hilo, a town on Hawaii’s Big Island. The unit provided both fairgoers and vendors with a one-stop shipping resource. “Instead of making a separate trip to the Hilo Post Office or […]

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Volunteer hours

Ready to serve? The Postal Service is reminding employees who pledged to volunteer their time during the latest Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) season to fulfill their commitments before the end of the year. USPS employees pledged 37,000 volunteer hours to CFC member charities. Contact the charities directly to get started, even if you gave them […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.72 percent during the week ending June 7, unchanged from one week earlier. Western (97.97 percent) led the areas, while Dakotas (99.19 percent) topped the districts. Scanning allows customers to track their packages and mail, and it helps USPS improve efficiency and network management. To see […]

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Leading by example

Daniel Acevedo and Dane Coleman were named the Postal Service’s National Engagement Leader of the Year Award recipients at a ceremony this week in Washington, DC. Acevedo is manager of the Austin, TX, Vehicle Maintenance Facility, while Coleman is Baltimore District manager. “This award recognizes your personal engagement and commitment to support every employee. Through […]

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Mobile printing

Managed Print Services wants you to know about ePrint, a mobile printing system that allows you to use USPS-issued mobile devices — including smartphones, tablets and laptops — to print emails and attached documents. This feature comes in handy if you’re away from your desk or if you’re visiting a postal facility and need to […]

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Serving customers

USPS has begun rolling out its Customer 360 platform at Consumer Affairs offices, Customer Care Centers and Post Offices. Customer Care Centers in Troy, MI, and Edison, NJ, along with Post Offices in Capital Metro Area, have been testing the new tool — called C360 — for several months. C360 is part of the Postal […]

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Taking action

Jane Rahenkamp is putting words in motion. The Western Pennsylvania District marketing manager is one of many USPS leaders across the nation who are making workplace improvements based on employee comments from last year’s Postal Pulse survey. The 93,000 comments have been grouped by district, and each district is taking its own approach in passing […]

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Setting sail

The USS Missouri will sail into Post Offices across the nation this week. The Postal Service is marking the 75th anniversary of the battleship’s 1944 commissioning with a stamp that will be released Tuesday, June 11. USS Missouri (BB-63), the last U.S. Navy battleship, made history when she hosted high-ranking military officials from the United […]

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Flag Day

Flag notice. Flag Day, one of six days each year that Postal Service facilities are required to fly the POW-MIA flag, is Friday, June 14. The flag honors the sacrifices made by members of the armed forces held as prisoners of war or listed as missing in action. The POW-MIA flag must fly below the […]

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Into the shadows

Pavlin Zanev didn’t fully appreciate what a Postmaster’s job entailed until he spent a recent day “shadowing” San Francisco Postmaster Abraham Cooper. Zanev, a San Bruno, CA, letter carrier, followed Cooper as he went from one task to another, serving customers, managing employees and dealing with unexpected problems. “He never stopped,” Zanev said. Zanev was chosen […]

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‘Sesame Street’ memories

To help celebrate the new Sesame Street stamps, Link wants to hear from Postal Service employees who are fans of the influential and beloved children’s television show. The stamp pane, which honors the show’s 50th anniversary and will showcase 16 of its Muppet characters, will be released Saturday, June 22. Did you grow up with […]

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Information, please

Are you reading Postal Facts? Earlier this year, USPS updated the popular website with even more impressive data about operations, stamps and other topics. New features include “Postal Is …,” a section that emphasizes the organization’s values, including its focus on employees, customers and providing trusted, affordable service. Other additions include a section on USPS […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.72 percent during the week ending May 31, down from one week earlier. Western (98.01 percent) led the areas, while Dakotas (99.14 percent) topped the districts. Scanning allows customers to track their packages and mail, and it helps USPS improve efficiency and network management. To see […]

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‘A great advocate’

A publication for people with disabilities recently honored a San Diego mail processing clerk who is blind with its employee of the year award. Careers & the disABLED magazine presents the award annually to celebrate the professional and personal achievements of individuals with disabilities. Frank Facio, who works at the San Diego Processing and Distribution […]

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Boosting morale

Jeanine Adams sees the Postal Pulse as an important management tool. She uses the employee survey to measure her ongoing efforts to improve morale at the Bridgeville, PA, Post Office, where she became Postmaster in 2015. “It’s not enough to manage employees. You have to show you care about them, too,” Adams says. For example, […]

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Sloan fellow named

Angela Lawson, advanced analytics director in Enterprise Analytics, will represent the Postal Service in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan Fellows MBA Program, beginning June 3. The 12-month program aims to prepare executives with the skills needed to innovate and lead effective organizations. Upon completion of the program, Lawson will receive a master’s degree in […]

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Take care

June is Men’s Health Month, which aims to raise awareness of health care for men. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 12 percent of men who are 18 and older are in fair or poor health. Approximately 36 percent of men who are 20 and older are obese, while hypertension […]

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Cool head

Letter Carrier Shaune Shannon was delivering mail this year in an Arlington, TX, neighborhood when she spotted smoke pouring out of an older customer’s home. Shannon immediately called 911 and checked on the woman, who was still inside the house with her dog. “I don’t know what to do,” the panicked customer said. “Should I […]

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