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Know the symptoms

If you or a co-worker were experiencing a heat-related illness, would you recognize the symptoms? Two of the most common illnesses are heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Heat exhaustion symptoms include cool, moist skin; heavy sweating; headache; nausea or vomiting; dizziness; light headedness; weakness; thirst; irritability; and a fast heartbeat. Here are first-aid guidelines for […]

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Peace of mind

Every time Dawn Cook sees a co-worker sell an Alzheimer’s semipostal stamp, she thinks about her father. Cook, the consumer and industry contact manager for Western Area’s Hawkeye District, recently placed her dad in a veteran’s home in Iowa after he was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia, a form of progressive dementia related to Alzheimer’s. […]

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Community spirit

My name is Laura Tapia, and I’m a letter carrier in San Diego. I collect and deliver mail and strive to provide the kind of service that keeps customers loyal to USPS. I start my day by “casing” my mail and loading my truck with the day’s deliveries. I also check to make sure the […]

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Wheels in motion

The Postal Service wants you to be on the lookout for children in neighborhoods — including front lawns, streets, parking lots and driveways — now that most schools are closing for the summer. Here are some things to remember: • Whenever you see a ball rolling in the street, you’re likely to see a child […]

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Go for the green

The Postal Service is giving employees more time to recognize sustainability excellence. The organization has extended the deadline to submit nominations for the latest round of Postmaster General Sustainability Excellence Awards. The new deadline to submit completed nomination forms is Monday, June 24. The annual awards recognize areas, districts, facilities, teams and individuals who help […]

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Always alert

Do you know colleagues like Kevin O’Day, a Covington, KY, letter carrier who made sure two shop owners and their dogs reached safety when he spotted smoke pouring from the upper floor of their building last year? We want to know about them, too. USPS is seeking nominees for the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which […]

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Managing the levers

Chief Financial Officer Joe Corbett reviews the Postal Service’s latest quarterly financial results in a “Dollars and Change” video released this week. During fiscal 2019’s second quarter (Jan. 1-March 31), USPS recorded revenue of $17.5 billion. Operating expenses were $19.6 billion, leaving the organization with a net loss of $2.1 billion. Several factors contributed to the […]

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Outstanding experiences

My name is Monique Gillis, and I’m the customer services supervisor at the Merrifield, VA, Post Office. I’m responsible for maintaining the office’s retail window services and overseeing a team of 16 employees. A lot goes into customer service. It’s not just selling stamps. I tell my employees: The customer is always right, even when […]

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Storm smarts

The Postal Service wants employees to prepare for hurricane season, which runs from June 1-Nov. 30 each year. Most coastal areas are subject to hurricanes. The storms can cause high winds, heavy rain, flooding and other dangerous conditions. Take these steps to prepare: • Complete a personal preparedness plan that includes a household inventory and […]

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LGBT Pride Month

June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month, a time to honor the contributions of LGBT individuals in the United States. LGBT Pride Month is held in June to commemorate the Stonewall uprising, when patrons and supporters at a gay-friendly tavern in New York City led a protest against persecution. The 1969 incident […]

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All hail heroes

Do you know colleagues like Kevin Lippy, a Powhatan, VA, rural carrier associate who helped save the life a 3-year-old boy gravely injured in a traffic accident? We want to know about them, too. USPS is seeking nominees for the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which honors employees who go above and beyond the call of […]

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Tech support

My name is Patricia Manzolillo, and I’m director of the Postal Inspection Service’s forensic laboratory services. I oversee the National Forensic Laboratory — a 50,000-square-foot facility in Dulles, VA — as well as digital evidence labs across the country. I work to ensure our analysts have the materials, equipment and training they need to do […]

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On notice

The Postal Service will encourage customers to spruce up their mailboxes during Mailbox Improvement Week, an annual campaign that will be observed this year from Sunday, May 19-Saturday, May 25. USPS wants mailboxes to be fully operational, safe to use, conveniently located and large enough to support each customer’s daily mail and package volume, among […]

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Healthy lives

National Women’s Health Week, a time to encourage women to lead healthy lives, is Sunday, May 12-Saturday, May 18. The U.S. Office on Women’s Health helps organize the week, which calls on women of all ages to be active, eat healthy, take care of their mental health and seek regular checkups from a doctor. The […]

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Guts and glory

Do you know colleagues like Tiffany Ejima-Zane, a Honolulu letter carrier whose CPR skills helped save a collapsed customer’s life? We want to know about them, too. USPS is seeking nominees for the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which honors employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. The program is based on a […]

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‘Growth Driven’

This year’s National Postal Forum (NPF) will focus on customer service and repositioning mail to open opportunities in the industry. The annual meeting, to be held from May 5-8 in Indianapolis, brings together Postal Service leaders, business customers and other industry professionals. This year’s theme is “Growth Driven: Fueling Your Mailing and Shipping Success.” The […]

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‘Indispensable role’

The following message is from Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan: The nation will mark Public Service Recognition Week from May 5-11 this year. First celebrated in 1985, the first full week in May is when cities, counties, states, federal agencies and service organizations across the United States join together to honor public servants and connect […]

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Here to help

My name is Andrea Avery, and I’m the Postal Inspection Service’s national public information officer. I work at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC, where I help respond to media inquiries and ensure the public is aware of the great work we do. If something newsworthy occurs involving postal inspectors or crimes concerning the mail, I […]

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Silent killer

May is National High Blood Pressure Awareness Month. High blood pressure is common and can become dangerous. Almost 1 in 3 U.S. adults — or almost 75 million people — suffer from high blood pressure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Alarmingly, more children and teenagers are being diagnosed with high blood […]

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Answering the call

USPS is seeking nominees for the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which honors employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. The program is based on a simple idea: Postal Service employees know the habits of their customers and the rhythms of their communities, and are often the first to notify emergency personnel when […]

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Ready to help

The Postal Service has opened the Mailing and Shipping Solutions Center (MSSC) to better serve commercial mailing and shipping customers. Beginning April 26, these customers can call the center at 877-672-0007 weekdays from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Central time for support. “This will allow our customers to reach trained and professional mailing requirements staff, who can […]

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All about customers

My name is Michael Mendez, and I’m a mail handler at the Detroit Network Distribution Center. I help keep the mail moving so USPS can deliver excellent service to its customers. I start my workday at 7:30 a.m. During the course of the day, I process packages, print and scan placards used to sort mail, […]

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Postmaster patriot

Wilmore, KY, Postmaster Tony Shearer recently received the Patriot Award for his efforts to support employees who serve in the National Guard. Shearer was nominated by Jason Crumley, a Wilmore city carrier assistant who is a member of the Kentucky National Guard. The Patriot Award is administered through the Department of Defense and Employer Support […]

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MTE labels

The Postal Service is reminding employees about the proper handling of mail transport equipment (MTE) labels. The labels identify the destination for each mail container, which means a misplaced label can send the mail to the wrong destination. Employees are responsible for removing all labels and tags from sacks, trays and tubs when they empty […]

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Scam, ma’am

Retail Associate Richard Edwards was on duty recently at the Clarkston, MI, Post Office when he grew concerned that an older customer had fallen victim to a scam. The woman had visited the office twice in two days, each time purchasing money orders totaling $1,500 and shipping them via Priority Mail Express. After the customer’s […]

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