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Roll call

The Postal Service has offered recommended mailing dates for military service members who will cast ballots this fall. The suggested mailing dates are posted on The recommendations are based on dates published by the Military Postal Service Agency. Military personnel with Army Post Office (APO) or Fleet Post Office (FPO) addresses can now return […]

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Hot topic

Wildfires often begin unnoticed and are usually triggered by lightning or accidents. They spread quickly, igniting brush, trees and homes. According to the U.S. Forest Service, approximately 60,000-80,000 wildfires occur annually in the United States. These fires are one of nature’s most destructive forces, capable of moving as fast as 14 miles per hour. The […]

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Jerome Spilde, Jamestown, ND

Jerome Spilde was leaving the Post Office in Montpelier, ND, recently when he heard bad news: There was a serious car accident nearby. The Jamestown, ND-based rural carrier knew it would take time for emergency responders to reach tiny, isolated Montpelier (population under 100), so he rushed to the scene, where he initially found a […]

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Early birds

The Postal Service is encouraging customers who vote by mail to cast their ballots early this fall, when millions of people are expected to turn to USPS to participate in the election. Individuals should send their completed absentee ballots at least one week in advance of their state deadlines to ensure the safe, timely delivery […]

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FEGLI reminder

The Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance Program (FEGLI) open enrollment period ends Friday, Sept. 30. FEGLI provides group term life insurance for federal employees and retirees, as well as many of their family members. During the open season, which began Sept. 1, eligible Postal Service employees can enroll or increase coverage up to the maximum […]

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Cheerful deliveries

The Postal Service is making it easier for customers to send care packages to loved ones who serve in the armed forces by distributing free military kits — or “mili-kits” — at community events across the nation. For example, employees from the Madison, WI, Post Office recently distributed more than 100 kits at the Dane […]

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Know what to do

Flooding is the most common natural disaster in the United States and can happen anywhere. To stay safe, experts offer these tips: Know your flood risk. Learn whether you live, work or travel through areas that are prone to flooding. Know how to stay informed, such as signing up for phone text alerts. Receiving timely […]

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Showing love

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the world’s largest annual charity drive, kicked off Sept. 1. The CFC allows federal employees to donate to more than 18,000 nonprofit organizations through payroll deductions or one-time cash or check donations. This year’s theme is “Show Some Love” — something more than 68,000 USPS employees did last year through […]

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Eight is enough

You may have lots of reasons to admire the Postal Service, but the Houston Chronicle recently focused on eight. The newspaper posted an online slide show this week to illustrate “8 reasons to really love the U.S. Postal Service.” The slides highlight the role of mail delivery in the nation’s history, including Benjamin Franklin, the […]

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Ready for your close-up?

The Postal Service is extending the deadline for employees to audition for this year’s holiday TV advertising campaign. Submissions are now due Monday, Sept. 19, at 12 p.m. ET. All employees are invited to audition. No prior acting experience is required. To audition, follow these steps: Create an audition video. In the video, state your […]

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Pluto — purchased!

The scientist who led last year’s historic mission to Pluto recently paid a special visit to his hometown Post Office. Alan Stern, principal investigator and leader of the New Horizons mission, dropped by the Boulder, CO, office to purchase the new stamps celebrating the achievement. “What an honor this was to the more than 2,500 […]

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Alice Dreslinski, Kingsville, OH

Kingsville, OH, Retail Associate Alice Dreslinski was on her way to work recently when she came upon an accident. The collision left a water truck overturned and its driver trapped inside the cab. With the truck’s engine on fire, Dreslinski and two other passersby knew that the driver was in imminent danger. They were able […]

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Mind your P’s

District managers say two “P’s” — processes and people — helped USPS improve First-Class Mail performance during the third quarter. The First-Class Mail national composite score increased more than six percentage points during the April 1-June 30 period. Thirty-seven of the 67 districts beat the national target. Todd Hawkins, district manager for top-ranked Greater Indiana […]

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Mobile messaging

Rachel Weir’s red truck is making a name for itself in the Seattle area. Since July, Weir, a self-described “letter farmer,” has used the vehicle as a mobile writing station to encourage passersby to write to loved ones. “People are so much more likely to be authentic in their communication when they write a letter,” […]

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Samsung update

The Postal Service will only ship Samsung Note 7 devices via USPS Retail Ground/Parcel Select due to potential safety hazards pertaining to lithium ion batteries. The change took effect Sept. 2. USPS has established rules and regulations regarding the mailing of lithium ion batteries both domestically and internationally. Suspect batteries or any damaged device containing […]

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Hello, it’s me

Disasters can occur at any time, so it’s important to know how you and your family members will contact each other afterwards. Experts offer these tips: Complete a contact card for each adult family member. Keep the cards in a wallet or purse. Also, complete cards for children and put the cards in their backpacks […]

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George Hearst, Painesville, OH

Letter Carrier George Hearst says that his role as safety captain and trainer for the Painesville, OH, Post Office encourages him to be particularly mindful of hazards around him. When he was recently delivering mail on a busy street and saw a young boy running into traffic, his instincts kicked in. Hearst dropped his bag […]

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