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In the cards

Beverly Tetterton has been surrounded by postcards since childhood. The Wilmington, NC, resident remembers sitting under the steps of a great-aunt’s house, flipping through an album full of cards. When the great-aunt died, Tetterton inherited the album. Before she knew it, the collection began growing. “[I]t just sort of got out that little Beverly collects […]

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Postal Bulletin

The Postal Bulletin’s latest edition has an overview of a new CyberSafe at USPS site that aims to help employees and customers protect themselves online. The site,, lists cybersecurity best practices and describes how the Postal Service safeguards personal and financial information. Other features include multimedia content on how to protect information online, advice […]

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Accounting help

Have you visited the Accounting site recently? The site has an online help feature, training, tools and alerts. It also offers toolkits for Retail System Software, Stamp Fulfillment Services, mobile Point of Sale, Form 1095-C, an eIWS OnLine Forms tool and more. […]

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Beautiful views

The Postal Service released the Holiday Windows stamps Oct. 6. “These new stamps will help people celebrate the holidays with style. Whether applied to letters, cards or packages, they will welcome recipients with greetings and good cheer,” said Chief Financial Officer Joseph Corbett, who helped dedicate the stamps at an American Stamp Dealers’ Association show […]

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Broken oaths

The Postal Inspection Service is part of a major prison corruption investigation that led this week to 80 federal indictments in Maryland, the most in the state’s history. The indictments charge correctional officers and inmates, along with outside conspirators who allegedly used PO Boxes to smuggle narcotics, tobacco, cell phones and other illegal items into […]

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Shining lights

USPS employees in Puerto Rico continued to deliver mail recently despite a massive blackout that left most of the island’s 3.5 million residents without electricity and shuttered community services for days. “The entire island shut down, but the mail went through,” said Caribbean District Operation Programs Support Manager Bruce Branning. District Manager Lisa Ojeda, San […]

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Fleet of foot

The Postal Service’s Fleet Management team unveiled a new leadership development program for Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF) managers and supervisors Oct. 1. The 1-year program is designed for employees looking to improve in their current position and advance their careers in fleet management. “The Fleet Leadership Development program is an opportunity for employees to expand […]

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David Haines, Riverside, NJ

A Riverside, NJ, mail processing clerk’s break wasn’t so relaxing recently. As David Haines walked to a nearby store, he saw a man snatch a familiar customer’s purse. Haines followed the thief and kept tabs on his location until police arrived and arrested him. The customer’s purse was returned with all of its contents intact. […]

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Forensic files

When Patricia Manzolillo needed an internship for her graduate school forensics program, her father, a USPS employee, suggested the Postal Inspection Service. Manzolillo followed his advice, landing an internship with the agency’s Memphis lab in 1995. Twenty years later, she’s now director of the Inspection Service division that oversees the National Forensic Laboratory and the […]

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Not over yet

The Postal Service reminds employees that hurricane season continues through Nov. 30 for both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. These storms can cause high winds, heavy rain, flooding and other dangerous conditions. To prepare, USPS offers these tips: If a hurricane is expected, employees can use the National Employee Emergency Hotline (888-363-7462) for work schedule […]

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Candy rush

The National Retail Federation predicts that total spending for Halloween will reach $8.4 billion, an all-time high in the annual survey’s history. Consumers are expected to spend an average of $82.93, an increase of $10 from 2015. Thirty-five percent of purchases will take place online, driving shipping increases. Costumes, candy and decorations will be the […]

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‘Investing in you’

USPS is encouraging employees to participate in the latest Postal Pulse survey, which is being conducted from Oct. 4-Nov.4. “We’re committed to investing in you,” Chief Human Resources Officer Jeff Williamson says in a new video to promote the twice-a-year survey. The Postal Pulse measures employee engagement and is used to improve USPS workplaces. “I […]

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Respectfully yours

Figuring out what to say is as important as figuring out how to say it. A new Learning Management System (LMS) course, Respectful Communication, is designed to help employees find the right words to improve their workplace interactions. The eight-hour course covers topics such as recognizing the value of diplomacy and tact in difficult conversations, […]

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Sharon Bennett, Warsaw, NC

A man received a helping hand from a USPS employee after taking a recent spill. Letter Carrier Sharon Bennett was delivering mail in Warsaw, NC, when she saw the man fall while making his way down the sidewalk with a walker. Bennett pulled over and rushed to the man’s side, helping him to his feet. […]

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Let’s get it started

USPS is preparing for another successful Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) as kickoffs encouraging employees to “Show Some Love” get underway. Speaking at the recent headquarters kickoff, Finance and Planning VP and 2016 CFC Vice Chair Luke Grossmann said, “I have no doubt this will be one of our best campaigns ever.” Grossmann was joined by keynote […]

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Carrying the torch

When Centerville, IN, Retail Associate Jeff Fudge ran as the torchbearer in the recent Indiana bicentennial torch relay, he did more than pass flames. In the relay, Fudge was nominated to represent Lewis Jones, whose ancestors were early Centerville settlers. Jones (1807-1877) transported mail by horseback, including deliveries for the Centerville Post Office, which was […]

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Lights out

When the lights went out at the Marathon, WI, Post Office recently, employees got creative to keep the mail moving. The outage happened on a day like any other. “Our area was not under any storm watches or warnings, but at about 6:30 a.m. a storm kicked up with severe winds and downpours,” said Postmaster […]

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Stay mindful

USPS is reminding employees of the rules established by the Hatch Act, a law that prohibits federal workers from engaging in some political activities. Employees are also restricted from some political activity on social media. The law intends to ensure programs are administered in a nonpartisan fashion. If you have questions, contact your field law […]

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Pony up

The Pony Express is part of postal lore, but to truly get a sense of what it was like to deliver mail by horseback in the Wild West, some people actually saddle up. Guernsey, WY, Postmaster Curt Artery tells the latest edition of “Your Postal Podcast” about his recent re-enactment of the non-stop, Pony Express […]

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Merlene Cardnuto, Reno, NV

I enjoy reading “Heroes’ corner.” Cleveland Letter Carrier Jason Stilwell emphasizes the need for letter carriers to deliver mail to addresses. If Stilwell hadn’t noticed something was wrong, the dog probably would have starved. It shows letter carriers are an essential part of the community. […]

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