Tips of the Day
Missing computers
Gateway District Manager David Martin congratulating postal retiree Virgil Kitchen, who recently turned 100 years old
Green success
USPS marks Earth Day with new report
Leading the way
USPS ranks first in new customer service survey
Heroes’ corner
Indiana employee reunites lost child with family
Philadelphia Vehicle Maintenance Facility Manager Luke Tretter
Debra Koskela, Osage, MN
Tips of the Day
What’s SAL?
Joseph Daily, Edison, NJ
Dock and load
Paper forms eliminated through eInduction
Cutting the line
Mobile devices helping reduce customer wait times
Mail on wheels
Remembering the Post Office Department’s ‘mailsters’
Lillington, NC, Retail Associate Monique Bennett on her office leading Greensboro District in customer satisfaction scores
Devonna Brown, London, KY
Tracie White, Arlington, VA
Tips of the Day
Let customers know
Sweet tweet
TV star Pauley Perrette praises New York carrier
Runway ready
New York Fashion Week moves to Farley Post Office building
Trust, but verify
Electronic postage verification for packages matures
TV or not TV?
Retailer abandons plan to drop mailings for commercials
Pat Mendonca, senior director for the PMG, on the Postal Service’s latest Civil War stamps
Tips of the Day
Accounting help
Troy Trull, Somerset, KY
John Crowley, St. Louis
Postal Bulletin
New issue highlights U.S. passports
Revenue protection
Seamless acceptance automates verification process
Happy returns
As always, USPS helps last-minute filers on Tax Day
Crime Victims’ Rights Week
USPS, Inspection Service to help raise awareness
Stamps Mayor David Bright on Angelou’s stamp
Tips of the Day
Searching the LMS course catalog