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Here’s what Link covered June 16-22

A mercury safety reminder and a new stamp honoring Alex Trebek made news

Close-up of numbers on a wooden thermometer
Metallic mercury can be found in older thermometers, among other items.

Last week, Link told you about the Postal Service’s plans to release a stamp honoring Alex Trebek, the beloved “Jeopardy!” host.

On the stamp is written the prompt, “THIS NATURALIZED U.S. CITIZEN HOSTED THE QUIZ SHOW ‘JEOPARDY!’ FOR 37 SEASONS” and underneath, upside down, is the correct response: “Who is Alex Trebek?”

Presales began June 21 for the stamp, which will be released Monday, July 22.

We also covered the special dedication ceremony for the new U.S. Flags stamps and told you about the Horses and Shaker Design stamp releases.

Link also reminded you that metallic mercury is prohibited in the mailstream; we warned you about quishing, a form of phishing that uses fake QR codes to commit identify fraud; and we told you about a new “Mailin’ It!” podcast about how the Postal Inspection Service cracked a massive fraud case.

Additionally, we introduced you to Shakeara and Taishonna Stewart, married highway contract route drivers who rescued a woman who had broken her leg while doing yard work in St. Stephens Church, VA, and Sherry Wyatt, an occupational health nurse in Texas 2 District who recently organized a health fair that drew nearly 300 employees.

“There was a lot of positive feedback,” Wyatt said.