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Daily printout: July 8

Monday, July 8, 2024

A photo of Alex Trebek wearing a dark jacket and red tie
Alex Trebek hosted “Jeopardy!” from 1984 until 2020.

Share your Alex Trebek memories

Link wants to hear from readers before the new stamp’s release

To help mark the arrival of the Alex Trebek stamp this month, Link wants to hear from Postal Service employees who are fans.

Did you watch “Jeopardy!” during Trebek’s 1984-2020 run as host? Did you ever appear on the quiz show as a contestant?

Send an email with your memories to and put “Alex Trebek memories” in the subject line. Your contributions could be included in an upcoming Link story.

The Alex Trebek stamp will be released Monday, July 22, and dedicated that day during a ceremony in Culver City, CA.

USPS Rural Carrier Derek Nelson
Winthrop, ME, Rural Carrier Derek Nelson

Through the storm

A rural carrier spotted a man in a puddle who needed medical help

Rural Carrier Derek Nelson was delivering mail recently in Winthrop, ME, during stormy weather when he came upon an unresponsive man in a puddle, exposed to wind and rain.

Nelson attempted to call for help but did not have a cellphone signal. However, local Postmaster Scott Allarie, who lives in the area, happened to pass by.

Nelson asked Allarie to call 911. Paramedics soon arrived and treated the man for a medical emergency.

Paramedics later told Nelson that the man would not have survived if the Postal Service employee hadn’t stopped to help.

The man has since recovered.

A white USPS delivery vehicle
The connection between the histories of the Postal Service and the nation it serves was one of the topics examined last week in Link.
Week in Review

Here’s what Link covered June 30-July 6

Independence Day, a cat’s liberation and more made news

Freedom was a recurring theme last week in Link.

We examined the tie between the founding of the nation and the founding of our postal system.

In “Heroes,” we featured the story of Rural Carrier Matt Tripp, who was instrumental in helping liberate a Kentucky cat’s head from a tin can.

“I suspect the cat would not have lived had Matt not called for help,” said Morganfield, KY, Postmaster Kimberly Wolfe.

We also provided guidance on the rare situations in which employees are free to accept a gift of value, and covered the release of two new USPS stamp videos: a Horses video that examines the bond between humans and equines, for many the embodiment of freedom; and a Shaker Design video that explores the history and aesthetic of this offshoot of Quakerism, whose practitioners fled persecution in England and settled in America 250 years ago.

“Shaker Design exemplifies some of the core values of their life: Honesty, humility and joyful simplicity,” said Linda Crawford, Southern Area vice president.

July 14, 2024

Virtual job fair

The Postal Service will offer a virtual job fair for supervisory positions on Sunday, July 14.

Participants will hear from operational leaders and receive an overview of the knowledge and skills needed to be a competitive applicant.

Individual sessions will provide information on how to apply for vacancies in eCareer, demonstrate qualifications for a position, prepare for an interview, network effectively and take charge of one’s personal development.

Sign language interpreters and closed captioning will be available, and after the fair, participants will be able to access a recording of it and the slides shown.

The fair starts at 1 p.m. Eastern and is open to both career and noncareer employees.

To participate, employees must complete an online registration form on MyHR, part of LiteBlue.

In addition to the July 14 session, a fair will be held Sunday, Sept. 15.

All participants must be current Postal Service employees and attend while off the clock. Participation is voluntary.

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