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The big 5-0

The Postal Service’s Informed Delivery now has more than 50 million subscribers, a significant milestone for the popular free feature. Launched in 2017, Informed Delivery allows consumers to digitally preview their incoming mail and manage their package delivery from computers, smartphones and other devices. “Informed Delivery is changing the way consumers engage with their mail […]

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Hurricane Ian

The Postal Service is responding to Hurricane Ian, a Category 4 storm in the Gulf of Mexico. The hurricane made landfall in Southwest Florida on the afternoon of Sept. 28, bringing storm surges, torrential rain and damaging winds to the state. To protect employees and the public, USPS has suspended mail delivery and retail operations […]

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Working together

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy delivered a videotaped keynote address to postal customer councils for National PCC Week. In the 10-minute message, DeJoy looks back on what has been accomplished under the Delivering for America plan and the changes that are ahead. “Together, we have now started to change the direction of the Postal Service. We […]

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Need for speed

The Postal Service is upgrading the organization’s internet bandwidth to boost network speeds and efficiencies. The multiphase Telecom Integrated Postal Network Enhanced (TIPN-E) project is spearheaded by the Chief Information Office’s Network and Compute Technology teams. The project will modernize existing network circuit technology to increase internet speeds for all retail and delivery sites and […]

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Healing the world

The Combined Federal Campaign’s cause of the week is global health. There’s good news and bad news on the worldwide health front, according to the World Health Organization: • Global life expectancy at birth jumped from 66.8 years in 2000 to 73.3 years in 2019, but • Burgeoning “lifestyle” diseases such as obesity and diabetes […]

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Blue ribbon for Poshmark

Poshmark just added another postal feather to its cap. Earlier this month, the Postal Service presented the online reselling platform with a 10-Year Partnership Award in recognition of the collaboration between the two organizations. “Over a 10-year period, Poshmark has enhanced the value of what USPS delivers every day — mail and packages,” said Jay […]

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Cool by the pool

Kimberly “Smitty” Smith, a Colorado Springs, CO, letter carrier, was recently making deliveries at an apartment complex when a staff member approached him, dripping wet, desperately asking if he knew CPR. Smith said he did, so the woman led him to the swimming pool, where a teenage girl was unresponsive next to it, having been […]

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Testing phase

The Eagle magazine is one year into helping employees understand the Postal Service’s Delivering for America plan to achieve financial sustainability and service excellence, and the editorial team would like to find out how much you’ve learned. How will the Postal Service transform delivery units to accommodate the growth in package delivery? How can employees […]

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What’s next?

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar on preparing for retirement. The session, “Retirement 101,” will be held Sept. 29 at noon EDT. An Aetna representative will conduct the webinar, which will cover how retirement benefits work, including tools and resources to help employees plan for changes. Participants must register before the event […]

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Personal prep

During National Preparedness Month, the Postal Service is encouraging employees to put together an emergency supply kit for their homes. Such a kit is a collection of basic items to meet the needs of your family — including pets — for at least 72 hours. These items should be packed in a portable container, such […]

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Rolling recruitment

Maybe Pickles the Clown is considering a career change? The Wisconsin District’s Job Center on Wheels made a stop at the Pierce County Fair in mid-August. The fair featured Pickles, a demolition derby, goat judging, cotton candy and the USPS mobile recruitment center — positioned in prime real estate on the midway. Attracting and retaining […]

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Ravis Brown, Jackson, MS

I was excited for Bonita Brown, the postal employee whose student loans were recently forgiven under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF) highlighted in article “Zero balance.” My student loans were forgiven under the PSLF, too. It is a huge relief for me. […]

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‘A’ is for altruism

The Combined Federal Campaign’s cause of the week is education. According to the National Center for Education Statistics: • Only eight states have public high school graduation rates of 90 percent or higher. • Only 35 percent of fourth-graders are proficient in reading, according to the standard set by the National Assessment of Educational Progress. […]

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Rate change

The Postal Service has cut its rate for Every Door Direct Mail as part of its price and classification changes that went into effect July 10. The new rate for the product, when dropped off at a retail location, is a 6.5 percent decrease and is a return to what it cost in 2019, before […]

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Leaving her mark

The passing of Queen Elizabeth II, who reigned for 70 years, will soon alter the United Kingdom’s stamps and mailboxes. Elizabeth’s death, at the age of 96 on Sept. 8, will change the face of the United Kingdom’s stamps, which will soon bear a profile image of its new monarch, King Charles III. Stamps bearing […]

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Low blow

Caroline Badgett, a rural carrier associate, was recently making deliveries in Eustace, TX, when she spotted a customer lying in a yard outside a residence. Badgett rushed to check on the customer, who was unresponsive, and immediately called 911. Paramedics soon arrived to provide medical attention. They determined that the customer’s blood sugar level was […]

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Are you ready?

During National Preparedness Month, the Postal Service is reminding managers and emergency management teams to be ready at a moment’s notice. USPS employees at every level must be prepared to respond to — and recover quickly from — emergencies. Facility managers and other postal leaders should: • Post emergency procedures and make sure they are shared […]

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Climate of cooperation

USPS and 18 of its international counterparts will celebrate the fourth annual Green Postal Day on Sept. 16. The observance highlights the progress made by posts around the world working together to reduce carbon emissions. It is also meant to inspire other industries to adopt a similar approach to addressing climate change. The day is […]

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Holiday kickoff

The most wonderful time of the year has received a jump start. The USPS Operation Santa program began accepting letters from people in need on Sept. 15 — six weeks earlier than last year. The Postal Service made the announcement at the stamp dedication celebrating the new Holiday Elves stamps in North Pole, AK. Michael […]

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Ready to deliver

The Postal Service has made critical investments in personnel, technology and its network footprint in advance of the 2022 holiday season. Preparations began in January and build on the investments and organizational strategy improvements made ahead of the successful 2021 holiday mailing and shipping season. These measures are part of Delivering for America, the Postal […]

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John Storto, Hartford, CT

I just read “Zero balance,” the recent article about Bonita Brown, whose student loan was forgiven under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program limited waiver. I, too, received forgiveness for my law school loans in February of this year. The program is truly life changing and more postal employees should take advantage of it. […]

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Robotext invasion

If you suddenly receive a text message from USPS urging you to confirm the delivery of a parcel, it’s probably a robotext from an online criminal. Like smishing, robotexts are text messages that appear to come from reputable companies, but are actually sent by scammers trying to con recipients into revealing bank account details, credit […]

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Acting VP named

Scott Raymond has been named Atlantic Area’s acting vice president, effective Oct. 1. Raymond will oversee 12 districts, 128,000 employees, 8,600 Post Offices and more than 35 million delivery points. He served most recently as Atlantic Region’s senior logistics director, a post he held since March 2021. He began transitioning to his new role on […]

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Waverly displace

Retail Associate Barbara Priess was recently on duty in Waverly, NE, when she learned of a devastating fire at a nearby apartment complex. Priess rushed to the scene, where she encountered a mother and infant who had escaped the blaze with insufficient clothing, leaving them desperate for help. The Postal Service employee made arrangements to […]

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Queen Elizabeth II

This story has been updated. President Joe Biden has ordered U.S. flags flown at half-staff to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II. The queen was monarch and head of state of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and several other countries. She died Sept. 8 after reigning for more than 70 years. USPS […]

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Challenge reminder

USPS is reminding employees about the Well Traveled challenge, a six-week interactive program that helps build behaviors for lifelong wellness. Employees can use their personal, nonpostal devices to log into the Well Traveled website or download the program app to track physical activity, access hundreds of recipes, answer trivia and support one another on message […]

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Safe spaces

During National Preparedness Month, the Postal Service is reminding employees and contractors to help keep USPS workplaces safe and secure. Employees should always secure entry points when not in use, wear their postal photo ID badge and watch for individuals not wearing badges. To further protect workspaces: • Secure unattended USPS vehicles and trailers. Immediately […]

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PSHB preview

USPS and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) have published online FAQs about the new Postal Service Health Benefits Program. The program, also known as PSHB, will begin in 2025 and will provide health insurance to eligible Postal Service employees, annuitants and their eligible family members. PSHB is a new program within the Federal Employees […]

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