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Paw patrol

Remy the pit bull puppy has a Postal Service employee to thank for reuniting him with his owner after the dog swam away from home. Remy later became stuck in a muddy marsh where he stayed for hours until kayakers discovered him. Toms River, NJ, Letter Carrier Al Font, a 16-year USPS veteran, came upon the […]

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Home sweet home

Buying a home can be exciting, especially if it’s your first one. The process, however, can become overwhelming if you’re not prepared. Here are some tips to ease your purchase: Assess your financial situation by determining how much money you’ve saved and budgeted. This will help determine how much you can afford to spend on […]

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Telephone courtesy

Answer the phone within three rings, offer a friendly greeting, provide assistance and always end calls by thanking customers for using the Postal Service. Remember to keep reference material close to the phone to better serve customers. […]

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William Reynek, Bellevue, NE

Bellevue, NE, Retail Associate William Reynek became suspicious recently when a customer tried to mail $2,300 via Priority Mail Express Mail. When Reynek called the intended recipient and began asking questions, the individual hung up on him. Reynek explained to the customer that it was probably a scam and persuaded her to keep her money. […]

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Far and wide

The Postal Service issued stamps May 31 that commemorate the recent completion of NASA’s 9-year, 3-billion-mile mission to explore Pluto. The Pluto — Explored! stamp sheet shows New Horizons, the spacecraft that flew by the dwarf planet last year, as well as an image taken during the probe’s approach. The stamps highlight the Postal Service’s […]

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Old school

Summer is almost here, and many parents will soon send their kids off to camp. But what happens when it’s time to communicate? Since many camps don’t allow children to use digital devices, families must put pen to paper and exchange letters — which isn’t always easy for those accustomed to zipping off text messages. […]

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Socially secure

The CyberSafe at USPS team reminds employees to be aware of the personal and professional implications of sharing information on social media sites. Here are some tips to protect yourself: Be careful when sharing your location. “Geotagging” features on social media sites can let others know where you are. Avoid sharing personal information — such as […]

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LGBT Pride Month

June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month, a time to honor the contributions of LGBT individuals to the nation. This year’s theme, “Solidarity Through Pride,” was selected by InterPride, an international organization that promotes LGBT pride across the world. The month typically features celebrations of LGBT history, achievements and identities. These activities […]

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Accounting assistance

The Online Accounting Help tool is available 24/7 and provides on-demand answers to your questions. This tool, located on the Accounting site, offers resolutions for accounting-related matters, including stamp stock, banking, money orders, claims, accounts payable, travel and payroll. […]

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Randy Caldwell, Moundsville, WV

Moundsville, WV, Letter Carrier Randy Caldwell was on his route recently when he found a man trapped under a mobile home. Caldwell immediately notified the police and assisted them in lifting the mobile home off of the customer. The customer was freed and then rushed to the nearest hospital where he later recovered. “Mr. Caldwell’s […]

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Exhibit opens

The World Stamp Show-NY 2016, the highly anticipated event that occurs in the United States only once a decade, opens May 28 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. USPS will host seven stamp dedications during the eight-day showcase that attracts stamp collectors and dealers, philatelic organizations and postal agencies from […]

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Flag notice

May 30 is Memorial Day, one of six days each year Postal Service facilities area required to fly the POW-MIA flag. The flag honors the sacrifices made by members of the armed forces held as prisoners of war or listed as missing in action. Facilities that are open on the holiday must fly the U.S. […]

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Mission critical

Chief Information Officer (CIO) Kristin Seaver urged managers and executives to stay mission-focused during a recent CIO leadership conference. Seaver, who was appointed CIO in April, outlined her vision to align technology with USPS business goals and deliver exceptional customer service. CIO executives discussed the current state of their organization and how to ensure it […]

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Postal Bulletin

The Postal Bulletin’s latest issue features summertime tips for avoiding heat stress. High temperatures, humidity and direct sun exposure can increase the risk of heat stress. Symptoms can include headache, nausea, muscle cramps, fatigue and dizziness. To avoid heat-related illness, USPS recommends employees wear loose-fitting, light-colored, breathable clothing; take regular, scheduled breaks; drink at least […]

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What’s MRS?

Merchandise Return Service (MRS) gives shippers the flexibility to offer customers package-return options using First-Class Mail, Priority Mail or other package services. USPS has waived fees for businesses that use MRS to process returns from their customers. […]

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Coleen Monson, Langford, SD

Langford, SD, Rural Carrier Coleen Monson was on her route recently and noticed one of her regular customers had not picked up his mail. Monson knew the man was diabetic and lived alone, so she contacted his family and alerted them of the situation. Later that evening, Monson learned that the customer had been in […]

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New appointments

Postal Service leaders Robert Cintron, Isaac S. Cronkhite and Linda M. Malone have been appointed to new positions. Cintron now serves as Network Operations vice president, overseeing the Postal Service’s distribution network, including its design, logistics and maintenance. He has held a variety of positions during his 31-year career, most recently serving as Enterprise Analytics […]

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Say you want a revolution?

The Postal Service will issue a stamp next week to mark the 250th anniversary of a turning point in the drive for American independence. In 1765, the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, which taxed America’s colonists for documents, including newspapers, mortgages, contracts and receipts. Under the law, stamps were used to indicate payment. The […]

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Postal matrimony

When it comes to finding a mate, your mailbox may be just as good as anywhere else. Ask USPS customers Carl Smith and Charlotte Trice — who met, fell in love and wed at her mailbox, a local news affiliate recently reported. They had walked past each other on the street many times while Smith […]

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Changing course

Reminder: The Postal Service can help businesses and consumers redirect shipments before delivery through USPS Package Intercept. The service allows mailers to request a shipment be held for pickup at a Post Office, redirected to a different domestic address or returned to sender. “Our Package Intercept service saves the day when mailers need to suddenly […]

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Sherry Hastings, Ola, AR

While delivering mail in Ola, AR, recently, Rural Carrier Sherry Hastings noticed a customer waving his arms frantically. The man had been riding a lawn mower when he struck a heavy cable. The cable became stretched across his abdomen, trapping him. Hastings called 911 and stayed with the man until paramedics arrived and took him to […]

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