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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.75 percent during the week ending Sept. 20, down from one week earlier. Western (97.92 percent) led the areas, while Dakotas (99.08 percent) topped the districts. Scanning allows customers to track their packages and mail, and it helps USPS improve efficiency and network management. To see […]

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Cremated remains

The Postal Service is improving the process for customers who ship cremated remains through the mail. The changes aim to make it easier for employees and customers alike to track cremated remains as they move through the USPS network. The changes also will ensure the process remains safe and deliveries are timely. Under the improved […]

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Round we go

The Postal Service will release Holiday Wreaths stamps this fall to celebrate the variety of wreaths used to welcome the season. The stamps will feature wreaths made from pine cones, dried flowers, berries and other materials that symbolize winter and the holidays, including: A ribbon leaf wreath made of Aspidistra leaves that have been folded […]

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Easy giving

Tam Cordes knows the challenges that Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) volunteers face when trying to meet their agency’s contribution goals. Cordes, a product development specialist at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC, is a longtime donor to the CFC, the federal government’s annual workplace charity drive. Last year, she served as a “loaned executive” for the […]

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Business Connect

Postmasters, managers and supervisors will soon receive materials to help them discuss efforts to “reposition” mail and generate new revenue for USPS. The materials are part of a Business Connect kit that is slated to arrive at Post Offices and other facilities this week. The kit includes talking points and other guidance that recipients can […]

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‘This remarkable man’

President George H.W. Bush’s lifelong commitment to public service was hailed during a special dedication ceremony last week for the new stamp honoring him. “In his 94 years, President Bush taught us how to serve, how to live and how to love,” said USPS Board of Governors Chairman Robert M. Duncan, who served as the […]

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On paper

The Postal Service’s Pacific Area was recently recognized as a national leader in purchasing products made of recycled materials. The area received a Federal Green Challenge Award, which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gives to organizations that conserve resources. In its citation, the EPA noted that Pacific Area — which comprises California, Hawaii and […]

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What’s your story?

Link wants to hear from Postal Service employees who have benefited from the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the annual charity drive that began last week. Each year, employees share stories about how various CFC member charities have helped them or their loved ones. For example, during the previous campaign cycle, Link highlighted: • Israel Lopez, […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.78 percent during the week ending Sept. 13, up from one week earlier. Western (97.93 percent) led the areas, while Dakotas (99.21 percent) topped the districts. Scanning allows customers to track their packages and mail, and it helps USPS improve efficiency and network management. To see […]

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Race for revenue

The Postal Service’s small-business sales team wants to finish the fiscal year strong — and it needs every employee to do his or her part. So far this year, the team has generated more than $920 million in estimated annualized revenue through its employee engagement programs, which allow postal workers to submit potential sales leads […]

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Making a difference

Katrina Pinnix is always ready to get down to business. Pinnix, a mailing requirements clerk for Capital Metro Area’s Greensboro District, works closely with local business customers, helping them understand what’s needed to ensure their mailpieces are delivered promptly. “[It’s] what I enjoy most,” she says. USPS encourages employees to take a similar customer-centric approach […]

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Winter is coming

It’ll begin to look like winter at the nation’s Post Offices this week. Winter Berries, a booklet of 20 stamps that highlight four seasonal plants, will be released Tuesday, Sept. 17. Coming in an array of shapes, sizes and colors, winter berries provide bursts of life during the year’s coldest months. The stamps feature highly […]

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Flag notice

National POW-MIA Recognition Day, which honors the sacrifices made by members of the armed forces held as prisoners of war or listed as missing in action, is Friday, Sept. 20. Postal Service facilities are required to display the POW-MIA flag this day. The flag must fly below the U.S. flag, and both flags should be […]

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MEPT changes

The Postal Service is making changes within its Mail Entry and Payment Technology (MEPT) structure to better serve the organization and its commercial customers. Under the changes, which were announced Aug. 31, Commercial Acceptance will comprise both the Mail Entry and Major Mailer Support functions, and Business Acceptance Solutions will include the Business Acceptance Performance […]

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Voice of America

The Postal Service will release a stamp honoring Walt Whitman — often called the father of modern American poetry — Thursday, Sept. 12. The 32nd entry in the Literary Arts series, the stamp celebrates Whitman (1819-1892) during the bicentennial of his birth. Whitman, who broke away from dominant European poetic forms and experimented with free […]

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Did you read Link’s recent story about Skippy, a tiny Pomeranian mix that was rescued by a Delaware letter carrier who found him abandoned on a roadside? How about the “On the Job” profile of Keith Nusbaum, a USPS lawyer in Washington, DC, who became a postal inspector, or the “Best Practices” heat safety tips […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.76 percent during the week ending Sept. 6, up from one week earlier. Western (97.96 percent) led the areas, while Dakotas (99.21 percent) topped the districts. Scanning allows customers to track their packages and mail, and it helps USPS improve efficiency and network management. To see […]

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Moral support

Postal Service employees can order USPS-approved T-shirts to promote the Breast Cancer Research and Alzheimer’s semipostal stamps. Employees can order the shirts, at their own expense, from Tee Luv at Employees must enter this passcode when placing orders: usps2019. Each shirt sells for $13.99. Orders for the Breast Cancer Research shirts, available in pink […]

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Gift of life

A Postal Service employee will soon become an organ donor for a toddler in the final stages of kidney disease. Nicole Bugaj, a Tolelo, OH, retail associate, was driving to work in May when she saw a billboard advertisement seeking a kidney for a 3-year-old Delta, OH, boy named Ronnie Rusek. The child needed a […]

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Easier shipping

USPS will introduce a website this month to help businesses serve customers who purchase merchandise online and then decide to return it. The new USPS Shipping Consolidators site will go live Sept. 30, replacing the current Shipping Consolidators site. The revamped site will support shipping and returns consolidators that use the Postal Service for delivery. […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.47 percent during the week ending Aug. 30, down from one week earlier. Western (97.69 percent) led the areas, while Dakotas (98.85 percent) topped the districts. Scanning allows customers to track their packages and mail, and it helps USPS improve efficiency and network management. To see […]

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Wall of fame

A new mural in Washington, DC, celebrates Roger “Buck” Hill, a retired letter carrier and renowned jazz saxophonist who died in 2017 at age 90. The 70-foot mural is the city’s tallest, and depicts Hill, also known as “the Wailing Mailman,” in a postal uniform playing the saxophone — which was part of his morning […]

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Forward momentum

The Postal Service’s first Business Connect Month ended on a strong note. Postmasters, managers and supervisors were encouraged to submit sales leads during the Aug. 1-31 campaign. This resulted in meetings between USPS sales representatives and 29,245 small businesses that will generate more than $45 million in estimated annualized revenue. The organization wants to build […]

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