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Need to know

Don’t throw away this shot. The pistols used in the infamous 1804 duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr will be on display from Friday, May 25-Sunday, June 24, at the National Postal Museum in Washington, DC. The pistols are part of the exhibition “Alexander Hamilton: Soldier, Secretary, Icon,” along with mail, portraits and postage […]

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Toni Crowley, Center, TX

Center, TX, Rural Carrier Toni Crowley recently grew worried about a customer whose mail was piling up over several days. Crowley alerted her supervisor, who contacted the local sheriff’s office and asked someone to check on the customer. A deputy investigated and discovered that the man had been incapacitated by a stroke. The customer was […]

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Musical notes

Lauren Sanderson used the internet to make a name for herself. But there’s one thing she says it can’t beat: Handwritten letters. The 22-year-old recording artist began exchanging letters with fans while in high school, where she garnered a following on YouTube for her motivational videos. “I opened up a PO Box and posted [the […]

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Need to know

Scanning snapshot. The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.84 percent during the week ending May 11, down from one week earlier. Dakotas (99.17 percent) topped the districts, while Western (98.2 percent) led the areas. To see the latest results, go to the Enterprise Analytics site and select “Analytics Tools,” followed by “DES 2 — Scan Performance.”  […]

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Keep it green

The Postal Service is on track to slash the amount of energy it uses during the next decade, the organization’s latest projections show. Between 2015 and 2025, USPS is projected to reduce its facility energy usage per square foot by 25 percent. The figures are included in this year’s Annual Sustainability Report, which also details […]

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Retail reforms

USPS is introducing two retail technology features to better serve customers. The first feature, available now, allows retail associates to review package tracking and the status of customer refunds through Retail Systems Software (RSS). The second feature will allow customers to receive electronic receipts. This feature is slated to debut on full-service RSS terminals in […]

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Josh Griffith, Paris, IL

Letter Carrier Josh Griffith was recently delivering mail on a frigid day in Paris, IL, when a 92-year-old customer called out for help. The woman had stepped outside to feed stray cats and slipped on ice. Griffith rushed to her side as he shouted to a nearby FedEx worker to call 911. The Postal Service […]

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Strictly business

Shutterfly Inc. has received the Postal Service’s Partnership for Growth Award, an annual honor that recognizes organizations that use the mail to drive innovation. USPS presented the award this week at the National Postal Forum (NPF) in San Antonio. Shutterfly relies on the Postal Service for “last mile” deliveries and has committed to a Priority […]

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Keep it clean

USPS wants customers to spruce up their mailboxes during Mailbox Improvement Week, an annual campaign that will be observed this year from Sunday, May 13-Saturday, May 19. The Postal Service wants mailboxes to be fully operational, safe to use, conveniently located and large enough to support each customer’s daily mail and package volume. Mailboxes that […]

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In good repair

I’m a lead mechanic at the Vehicle Maintenance Facility in San Diego. I’m one of 14 mechanics on tour 3, which is 12:30-8:30 p.m. We keep postal vehicles rolling. We do regular maintenance to keep them on the road, and we repair them when they break down. We service more than 2,000 vehicles — everything […]

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USPS finances

The Postal Service has reported its financial results for fiscal 2018’s second quarter (Jan. 1-March 31). Here are some highlights: • Revenue. Total revenue was $17.5 billion, up 1.4 percent compared to the same period one year earlier. Revenue from the organization’s shipping and packages business grew 9.5 percent, while First-Class Mail revenue fell 2.5 […]

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United we serve

The following message is from Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan: This coming week, May 6-12, is Public Service Recognition Week. Cities, counties, states, federal agencies and service organizations across the United States are joining together to honor public servants and connect Americans with their government. The Postal Service is the face of public service in […]

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Airplane mode

I’m a ramp clerk at the Honolulu Processing and Distribution Center. I’m responsible for the right mail going on the right plane at the right time. I also document flights and departures, ensure the safety and sanctity of the mail, and make sure contractors do what they’re supposed to do. Honolulu District is unique because […]

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Customer focus

Strengthening customer service throughout the mailing and shipping industry will be a focus of this year’s National Postal Forum (NPF), which will be held from May 6-9 in San Antonio. The annual meeting, which is marking its 50th year in 2018, brings together USPS and industry leaders, business customers and other professionals. This year’s theme, […]

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Vote of confidence

“Be Direct with Political Mail,” a new video from the Postal Service, shows how political campaigns can use direct mail to reach voters. The 1-minute, 30-second segment features “Derek,” a campaign manager who explains that direct mail should be part of every campaign’s media mix. “One of the best ways to be direct with your […]

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Robert Korba Jr., New City, NY

City Carrier Assistant Robert Korba Jr. was recently picking up outgoing parcels from a customer at her New City, NY, home when he made a startling discovery. As Korba turned to leave, he spotted the woman’s husband collapsed in the driveway. Korba immediately called 911 for the distraught woman and performed CPR on the man […]

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Bad behavior

The Postal Service is continuing its campaign to educate employees about the Hatch Act. The law, which dates to 1939, prohibits postal and other federal employees from engaging in political activity while on duty, while wearing a uniform, while on federal property or while inside a federal vehicle. A new message for employees highlights the […]

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Full power

I’m a maintenance mechanic at the Detroit Processing and Distribution Center. I maintain the battery room so that the forklifts and “tow bugs” always work the way they’re supposed to. I tell people: Without batteries, the forklifts can’t work — and without the forklifts, the mail won’t move efficiently. I usually start my day around […]

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Small Business Week

Post Offices across the nation will hold events to mark National Small Business Week, which is April 29-May 5. More than 7 million small-business customers rely on the Postal Service for their mailing and shipping needs, generating more than $2.5 billion in annual revenue for USPS. The organization estimates another 28 million small businesses may […]

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Save the date

Stamp Out Hunger, the annual food drive in which Postal Service employees collect donations for local pantries, will be Saturday, May 12. The National Association of Letter Carriers leads the one-day drive with help from USPS and other partners. Since the drive began in 1993, total food donations have surpassed 1.6 billion pounds, including 75.3 […]

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Arthur Holcomb, Hope, AR

Letter Carrier Arthur Holcomb was recently delivering mail in a Hope, AR, neighborhood when he encountered a customer in distress. The man, who was sitting in his car with the door open, called out to Holcomb for help. The Postal Service employee rushed to his side and found that the man was having trouble breathing. […]

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Global exchange

Ilona Tipp loves postcards. Some days, there are a dozen cards from around the world waiting in the Exeter, NH, music teacher’s mailbox. “Postcards are a great way to connect with people spontaneously from around the world, especially if you love getting mail and stamps like I do,” she said. Tipp belongs to Postcrossing, an […]

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Shock and awe

Elijah Hairston arrived at work recently and was greeted with an enormous banner congratulating him on his 50th year as a postal employee. “I was shocked,” said Hairston, a mail handler at the Delaware Processing and Distribution Center in Eastern Area’s South Jersey District. Hairston said he felt overwhelmed for having been recognized for his […]

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Missing Link?

The Link team has heard recently from readers who’ve stopped receiving emails from the USPS News Link account. These emails include Link, a weekday compendium of recent stories; Link Recap, which is sent Fridays; and Link Extra, which lets employees know when there is breaking news. Link’s emails are intended for everyone with a postal […]

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