Fredericksburg, VA, Letter Carrier Paula Schenemann
Tips of the Day
Prevent interruptions
Scanning scorecard
National rating rises
Places of engagement
Top scoring workplaces share tips
Closer than ever
New stamp honors Pluto’s first flyby
Safe choices
USPS receives award for environmental efforts
Lisa Samonte, Chula Vista, CA
Tips of the Day
Erasing data
Pocono Summit, PA, employees
Washington, DC, Letter Carrier and Million Mile award winner Kirk Jones
Celebrating courage
Service Cross Medal stamps to be dedicated May 30
Postal perspective
Postcards remembered as precursor to social media
Sarah’s smile
USPS helps customer celebrate special birthday
Out of network
Use caution when emailing external recipients
Vaughn Longanecker, Portland, OR
Tips of the Day
What’s MRS?
Coleen Monson, Langford, SD
Chief Human Resources Officer Jeff Williamson
New appointments
Three vice presidents named
Say you want a revolution?
Stamp to honor early American milestone
Postal matrimony
Customers met, eventually wed at mailbox
Changing course
Service redirects shipments before delivery
Alex Dailey, Buffalo, NY
Tips of the Day
We value your business
Tessa Vogel, Erhard, MN
Pacific Area VP Dean Granholm
Negotiations continue
USPS and NALC, NPMHU extend contract deadlines
Threat detectors
Employees receive cybersecurity certifications
Proud productivity
Employee sets personal record on sorting machine
Delivering help
Employee aids family after dog attack