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How Dakotas does it

Scanning success secrets shared

Dakotas District led the nation in scanning during the third quarter (April 1-June 30).
Dakotas District led the nation in scanning during the third quarter (April 1-June 30).

Dakotas District was a national leader in scanning during the third quarter (April 1-June 30), topping the list of districts that exceeded the Postal Service’s all-time high national composite score.

So how did Dakotas do it?

District Manager Doug Stephens Sr. attributes Dakotas’ success to several factors, including making sure all employees understand the importance of scanning.

For example, he sends daily “Scanning, Service and Safety” messages to employees.

“When employees see this is something we must focus on every day, it helps underscore the importance of scanning to our overall success,” Stephens said.

Other best practices from Dakotas:

  • Embrace data. The district’s local leadership teams have immersed themselves in the finer points of scanning. As they gain knowledge, they share it with employees to make sure everyone understands.
  • Meet customers’ needs. Dakotas has purchased indoor parcel lockers for its remotely managed Post Offices, which has reduced the number of failed first attempt deliveries.
  • Understand failures. Even Dakotas District makes mistakes. When scanning failures occur, employees are encouraged to study the problem and work with their co-workers to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

It all adds up to a district that takes scanning seriously, according to Operations Programs Support Manager Jan Cassaw.

“This type of passion is what it takes to mentor a team and lead them in the direction we need to go to provide exceptional customer service,” she said.

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