Laura Turpin, Hilger, MT
Rhonda Graziano, Oakhurst, NJ
Scam squad
Initiative aims to shield small businesses
Need to know
Scanning, holiday operations and more
Members only
Employees asked to watch for Franked Mail
Courting fame
Employee, a former basketball pro, honored
James Lovelady, Hiawatha, KS
Teresa Navarette, San Diego
Classic Christmas
Stamps to showcase Coca-Cola images
‘Seamless’ service
New video highlights postal technology
Lap of luxury
Mailrooms reflect high-end residences
Fourth facts
The list: 5 things you didn’t know about July 4
Martha Carson, Guysville, OH
Catherine Rucker, Wagoner, OK
Are you current?
USPS wants workers to update addresses
Rock the post
Mail used to encourage younger voters
STAR power
Best practices: Improving job applications
Restoring honor
Employee maintains veterans’ headstones
Wilma Reyes, White Plains, NY
Kristopher Skeen, Ripley, WV
Up to scratch
Latest stamp innovation showcased
Building relationships
On the job: Retail Associate Shannon Wilson-Ellis
‘Thank you, Shawn’
Employee receives appreciation from colleagues
Search and find
Library to host LexisNexis training webinars
Jovanka Glover, Crowley, LA
Ezana Dessie, Washington, DC
Link Extra
Restructuring proposal
USPS responds to administration plan
What’s your view?
Postal Pulse survey closes June 22
Need to know
Mover’s Guide, Postal Bulletin updates
News quiz
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