Jason Elliott, Boise, ID
Need to know
Flag notice, open season reminders and more
Life of service
Couple reflects on naval, postal experiences
Bridging the gap
USPS touts Informed Delivery for holidays
One-stop shop
Customers to receive holiday mailpiece
News quiz
Are you in the know?
Sharon Efird, Raleigh, NC
Lisa Reed, Blue Hill, ME
Need to know
Scanning data, flag reminder and more
Respect and appreciation
Postmaster General recognizes veterans
Delivering magic
Employees to receive holiday mailpiece
All’s fair
Virtual event offers benefits information
Print power
Catalogs still important, site reports
Henry Battle III, Livonia, MI
Cristian Carrillo, Irvine, CA
There when you need it
Employee thankful for CFC charity
Clean win
USPS honored for energy efforts
Benefits info
Open season webinars scheduled
Get the message
Tips for safely sending information by email
Those who served
The list: 6 things to know about Veterans Day
Jeffrey Caudill, Upper Sandusky, OH
Diana Watkins, Elm Springs, AR
Election connection
Employees express pride in USPS role
Always on track
Best practices: Accurate scanning
Opening soon
Benefits enrollment period begins Nov. 12
Need to know
New employee discounts offered
Veterans Day
Holiday honors service members
Sheryl Denny, Paterson, NJ
Brittany Batt, Grand Rapids, MI
Reaching out
AT&T pitches Informed Delivery to employees