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Link wants to hear from readers

Army soldier holding Priority Mail box
What have you learned from Link’s recent Military Appreciation Month coverage?

What did you think of Link’s coverage this month of the National Postal Forum in Indianapolis?

Did you learn anything from the Military Appreciation Month-themed edition of “The List”?

What was your opinion of the “On the Job” profiles of Andrea Avery, the Postal Inspection Service’s national public information officer, and Patricia Manzolillo, the agency’s forensic laboratory services director?

If you have feedback on these or any other Link stories, let us know. Email your comments to

Your messages could be published in our “Mailbag” column. We also use your feedback to strengthen our coverage of the Postal Service.

We want Link to be a daily conversation with our readers, so tell us what’s on your mind. We look forward to hearing from you.

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