Here’s how USPS is growing revenue
A new video discusses sales and marketing efforts
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s latest video message focuses on the Postal Service’s efforts to grow revenue and become more competitive.
The discussion includes USPS Ground Advantage, the organization’s new shipping offering, as well as improvements in sales and marketing.
The video is the fourth installment in “The Plan in Action,” a five-part summertime series on Delivering for America. The final installment is slated for release in two weeks.

New website focuses on stamp stories
Visitors can preorder upcoming issues, register for events and more
The Postal Service has unveiled a new website that focuses on the stories behind the organization’s stamps, including their history and the creation process.
The Stamps Forever site also features news, designs and products associated with many of the stamps that USPS has released since fall 2023.
Visitors to the site can access a digital version of the latest USA Philatelic catalog, which features stamps and stamp-inspired products.
The site also has a calendar of upcoming stamp dedication events with information on how to attend.
The site is located at StampsForever.com.
Central Area, Minnesota-North Dakota District on top in scanning
A snapshot of Postal Service scanning data shows the national rating was 97.12 percent during the week ending Aug. 16, down 0.26 percent from one week earlier.
The data was collected Aug. 21.
Central led the four areas with a rating of 97.47 percent, while Southern ranked last with a 96.57 percent rating.
Among the 50 districts, Minnesota-North Dakota, part of Central Area, ranked first with a 98.41 percent rating, while California 5, part of Central Area, ranked last with a 92.48 percent rating.
Scanning data allows customers to track their mail and packages, which helps USPS deliver excellent service, boost loyalty and drive revenue.
To see the latest data, go to the Informed Visibility website and select “Customer Experience,” followed by “DES 2 Scan Performance.” Postal Service employees must request Informed Visibility access through eAccess.