Employees should heed the rules on conduct on postal property
Electioneering and solicitation are two prohibited activities
The Postal Service is marking USPS Ethics Awareness Week by reminding employees of the rules they must follow while on the organization’s property.
Known as the Conduct on Postal Property regulations, these rules cover all USPS premises, including inside facilities and in parking lots.
The regulations apply to certain activities governed by ethics rules as well as the Hatch Act, a law that prohibits federal employees from engaging in partisan activity, among other things, while on the job.
For example, the regulations prohibit electioneering activities for both partisan and nonpartisan candidates for public office from taking place on postal property.
The regulations also generally prohibit solicitation, commercial vending and the display of commercial advertising on USPS premises. An exception is made for activities involving the Combined Federal Campaign, the federal government’s annual workplace charity drive.
Additionally, the regulations generally prohibit the posting or display of non-USPS materials on postal premises, although these prohibitions don’t apply to the posting of notices on employee bulletin boards.
Poster 7, Rules and Regulations Governing Conduct on Postal Service Property, which is displayed in all USPS facilities, summarizes the rules that must be followed on postal property.
The Ethics Blue page also covers these topics.
For more information, employees can email the Postal Service’s ethics helpline or call 202-268-6346.

Appointments, awards and more
Here’s a look at recent USPS announcements
• Jaanai Beckford, the Albany, NY, Processing and Distribution Center’s processing support manager, was named acting plant manager at the Southern Maine Processing and Distribution Center in Scarborough.
• Travis K. Eaton was named enterprise reporting and workhours manager. He previously served as customer analytics and reporting manager.
• Samson R. Elsbernd, a USPS attorney, was named acting national human resources manager.
• Carlos A. Gonzalez, plant manager at the Mid-Florida Processing and Distribution Center in Lake Mary, was named the Miami Processing and Distribution Center’s acting plant manager.
• James L. Gibson was named the South Houston, TX, Local Processing Center’s plant manager. He previously served as the Las Vegas Processing and Distribution Center’s distribution operations senior manager.
Got news to share? Email Link.
‘Protecting Veterans from Fraud’
USPS employees and their families may participate in an upcoming Postal Inspection Service webinar on how to avoid scams that target the benefits of military veterans.
The session, “Protecting Veterans from Fraud,” will be held Wednesday, Aug. 21, from to 1 to 2 p.m. Eastern.
Inspector in Charge Carroll Harris, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, will discuss common scams targeting veterans, how to spot them and how veterans can protect their money.
Jeanine Gilson, deputy chief financial officer for the Veterans Benefits Administration, part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, will provide an overview of systems designed to safely and securely deliver benefit information to veterans and their families.
Participants must register before the event on the webinar website.
Participation is voluntary. Nonexempt employees must be off the clock or on authorized breaks.
‘Jumpstart Your Metabolism’
Postal Service employees may participate in an upcoming webinar on how to boost your metabolism naturally.
The session, “Jumpstart Your Metabolism,” will be held Wednesday, Aug. 21, from noon to 1 p.m. Eastern.
Representatives from the Virginia Hospital Center and Blue Cross Blue Shield, a provider of health plans for federal employees, will lead the discussion.
Participants must register before the event on the webinar website.
Participation is voluntary. Nonexempt employees must be off the clock or on authorized breaks.
Employees with questions can email the USPS Benefits and Wellness team.