Want to be a postal inspector?
The Inspection Service is looking for recruits from across the country
The Postal Inspection Service is now accepting applications to fill postal inspector positions.
These positions are open to qualified USPS career employees and external applicants.
Postal inspectors are federal agents who enforce laws that defend postal employees and the nation’s mail system from illegal or dangerous use. They investigate criminal, civil and administrative violations of postal-related laws, often using forensics and cutting-edge technologies.
The Inspection Service is looking to hire in several locations.
Positions are available in the following areas: Baltimore; Baton Rouge, LA; Cedar Rapids, IA; Chicago; Denver; Detroit; Jackson, MS; Juneau, AK; Los Angeles; New York City; Portland, OR; San Francisco; San Juan, PR; Savannah, GA; and Washington, DC.
Applications will be accepted from Monday, April 1, through Thursday, April 11. The Inspection Service website has more information, including instructions on how to apply.

The long run
For this employee, a USPS career means stability
My name is Jeff White and I’m a letter carrier in Oyster Bay, a community on the North Shore of Long Island, NY.
I joined the Postal Service 36 years ago. I chose USPS after I talked to my own letter carrier, who persuaded me to take the job for its stability.
I love being a letter carrier because I get to be outside all day — and my day belongs to me. It is a physically demanding job, but the days move fast.
Before the Postal Service, I helped my father with his businesses. He was a photographer and wrote articles for Hot Rod magazine. He was also a craftsman and opened a store that sold candy and crafts.
I was born in Huntington, NY, which is about 10 miles north of Oyster Bay, so I have not drifted too far away. My wife and I live in Bethpage, which is also nearby. We come to Oyster Bay every Friday in the summer for the concerts — dancing in the streets.
I have two grown sons. Both were Eagle Scouts, and I was a scoutmaster for eight years. I’m still involved with the Scouts.
Since I have been on my route so long, I have seen people grow up and move on. I see Billy Joel in the neighborhood sometimes. He owns a motorcycle shop around the corner from the Post Office.
Even when I retire, I’ll come back to Oyster Bay. I love it here. I’ll be around.
“On the Job,” a column on individual employees and their contributions to the Postal Service, appears regularly in Link.
Diving deep with manatees
A video explores the threats facing the gentle marine mammal
The Postal Service has released a video about its Save Manatee stamp.
The aim of the stamp is to highlight the need to protect manatees, which were reclassified from endangered to threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act in 2017.
The video features Isaac Cronkhite, USPS chief processing and distribution officer; Patrick Rose, executive director of the Save the Manatee Club; Dr. Martine deWit, a veterinarian with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; and Andy Garrett, the manatee rescue coordinator for the commission.
The video ends with footage of the gentle giants swimming in their environment.
Blog post explains hazmat procedures
The latest entry on Postal Posts, the USPS blog, explains the steps the organization takes to address the mispackaging and mislabeling of hazardous materials.
Jacqueline Krage Strako, the Postal Service’s chief commerce and business solutions officer, wrote the post, which was published March 29.
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What's included
Want to be a postal inspector?
The Inspection Service is looking for recruits from across the country
On the Job
The long run
For this employee, a USPS career means stability
Diving deep with manatees
A video explores the threats facing the gentle marine mammal
Blog post explains hazmat procedures