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Lunar effects

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. True or false: Effective Jan. 27, the First-Class Mail letter single-piece additional ounce price will be reduced from 21 cents to 15 cents. a) True b) False 2. To […]

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Winter walking

The Postal Service wants employees to remember that snow and icy conditions during the winter increase the likelihood of slips, trips and falls. To avoid these types of accidents — which can result in pain, injury and lost productivity — proper footwear with good treads is essential. Here are some other tips: • Wear grippers […]

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National Wear Red Day

The Postal Service is inviting employees to participate in National Wear Red Day, which is held annually to raise awareness of heart disease. This year’s National Wear Red Day is Friday, Feb. 1. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, accounting for approximately 1 in […]

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Wheel love

A young customer in Kenosha, WI, recently used a creative way to show his appreciation for USPS: Lego building blocks. Mitchell Hoepner, a 12-year-old boy who has autism, enjoys receiving mail from Letter Carrier Michelle Badham so much that he surprised her with a Lego LLV he made himself. “He had it hanging on the […]

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Warning sounds

Rural Carrier Ashley Deasey was delivering mail in Buffalo Mills, PA, one day last fall when she saw that a customer’s home was on fire. While calling 911, Deasey rushed to the front door and knocked, then opened it to alert anyone who may have been there. She was greeted by a small dog that […]

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Human resources chief

Isaac Cronkhite has been appointed acting chief human resources officer, where he will lead all aspects of workforce management and development for the Postal Service. Cronkhite will oversee labor relations, employee resource management, leadership and career development, compensation and benefits, the HERO platform, the Human Resources Shared Service Center and the Employee Assistance Program, among […]

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Moving forward

The Postal Service has honored more than 80 employees in the latest Engagement Leader of the Year Awards competition. The awards recognize leaders who foster employee involvement, enthusiasm and commitment. The Employee Engagement Blue page lists the honorees at the district and headquarters levels. Postal Service employees across the nation chose nominees for the competition. […]

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What do you think?

What did you think of Link’s recent profile of Anthony Puccio, the New York City letter carrier who has about 4,200 hours of accumulated sick leave? How about the recent report about the Postal Service’s efforts to serve customers returning unwanted holiday gifts through the mail? Did you learn anything from the “Best Practices” article […]

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Holiday history

The Postal Service released the 12th and final stamp in its Celebrating Lunar New Year series last week. Here are some things you may not have known about the holiday. 1. Lunar New Year is the most important holiday in many Asian cultures. In some countries, the celebration lasts several days and kicks off with […]

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Working together

Acting Customer Services Manager Tanya Jackson and Lead Retail Associate Leon Livengood were recently on duty in Portland, OR, when a customer experienced a medical emergency. When Livengood noticed that the customer was in distress, he requested assistance from Jackson, who found that the woman was turning blue, had stopped breathing and had no detectable […]

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‘Exceptional contributions’

Northeast Area Vice President Edward F. Phelan Jr. will retire Feb. 3 after 39 years with USPS. Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan, who announced Phelan’s retirement in a memo this week, praised his “exceptional contributions” to the organization. “He has been a highly effective postal executive, and an excellent colleague and mentor to those who […]

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Still open

You have more time to show some love. The deadline for the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the federal government’s annual workplace charity drive, has been extended to Friday, Feb. 8. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management, which oversees the campaign, is giving federal workers more time to contribute due to the government shutdown. The CFC […]

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Winter wear

The Postal Service wants employees to dress warmly when working outside this winter. Here are some tips: • Layer up. Each layer provides insulation and acts as a barrier from the cold to help retain body heat. Avoid pure cotton, linen or similar materials because they retain moisture and can cause you to become colder. • […]

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Subscription description

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. True or false: Increasing the number of Informed Delivery subscribers will encourage more businesses to add interactive content to Informed Delivery emails, thereby boosting USPS revenue and the value […]

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‘I love the Post Office’

Frances Laskowski, a senior field sales representative in South Jersey District, was on the road in Delaware for work last fall when she encountered a woman in distress on a bridge. Laskowski saw the woman climbing over a railing, so she immediately pulled over, called 911 and rushed to her side — joined by a […]

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Honorable mentions

Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday that marks the civil rights leader’s birthday, will be observed Monday, Jan. 21. Here are five things you may not have known about his life. 1. King’s birth name wasn’t “Martin.” He was named Michael at birth, but his father later changed his name to Martin, possibly to […]

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Helpful reminder

If your department is being audited by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) or the Government Accountability Office (GAO), you should contact the USPS Corporate Audit and Response Management (CARM) team. The Postal Service cooperates with OIG and GAO, two independent agencies that review federal spending and performance. However, CARM must coordinate the postal response […]

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GITT ready

The Postal Service has improved its Green Initiative Tracking Tool (GITT) to provide users with real-time data on sustainability performance metrics at the national, area, district and facility levels. The tool also helps users plan and track facility-level sustainability projects. For instance, GITT ranks districts based on recycling revenue, as well as costs for trash […]

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Team fit

Getting into shape can be fun, especially when you do it with others. Asset Management employees across the nation are walking, participating in weight loss challenges and taking other steps to help improve their health. “It’s about getting people moving,” said Asset Management Manager Tamie Hollar, who supervises more than 430 employees in Atlanta; Washington, […]

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Above and beyond

USPS is seeking nominees for the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which honors employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. The program, which will mark its 16th year in 2019, is based on a simple idea: Postal Service employees know the habits of their customers and the rhythms of their communities, and are […]

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A public trust

If you’re a Postal Service employee, you’re expected to comply with the federal government’s principles and standards of ethical conduct. If this is news to you, don’t worry. USPS wants to help you understand the rules and how to follow them. Throughout 2019, the organization will educate employees about the rules, which include the 14 […]

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Vice president appointed

Erica Brix has been appointed Great Lakes Area’s vice president, a position she has held on an acting basis for the past year. Brix oversees all operations, marketing and customer service in the area, which has more than 36 million customers in five states; more than 77,000 employees; and an operating budget that exceeds $7 […]

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Winter work

The Postal Service wants employees to take precautions to avoid frostbite, hypothermia and other winter health hazards. Here’s what you should know: • Frostbite is dangerous. Frostbite, damage to body tissue, creates a loss of feeling or pale appearance in the extremities, such as fingers, toes, ear lobes and the tip of the nose. Symptoms can […]

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Delivery nation

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. About how many return delivery units does the Postal Service operate across the nation? a) 167 b) 1,670 c) 16,700 d) 16.7 million 2. Who said, “Negative news damages […]

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Breath of life

Letter Carrier Donna Bratton was recently delivering mail at an apartment complex in Miami when a customer holding an infant ran up to her. “My baby can’t breathe!” the woman exclaimed. While 911 was called, Bratton performed CPR and revived the girl. Emergency responders soon arrived and took over. The child was hospitalized. […]

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