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Fair game

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: USPS dedicated the State and County Fairs stamps at the (blank) State Fair. a) North Carolina b) North Dakota c) South Carolina d) South Dakota […]

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Aqua man

Bob Wick shot three of the photographs featured on the Postal Service’s new Wild and Scenic Rivers stamp pane. “They’re my smallest enlargements but my biggest thrill,” he said. Wick, a California-based wilderness specialist for the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM), said having his work featured on stamps is “different than having an image […]

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Reassuring presence

Letter Carrier Benjamin Stadler was recently delivering mail to an apartment building in St. Louis Park, MN, when he heard a customer yelling for help. Stadler found the disabled man in his kitchen, where he’d gotten sick and needed assistance to get to his living room. The Postal Service employee reassured the distressed customer and […]

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Mr. Dependable

When Bill Vance heard the Postal Service needed a substitute rural carrier in Gowanda, NY, he applied for the job. Soon, he was delivering mail. That was 45 years ago. Vance has been working part-time for USPS ever since. “I never expected it would last this long, but I said, ‘What the heck?’ This is […]

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Own your career

The Postal Service’s career development and learning platform is now available on LiteBlue, which you can access on personal devices. HERO, which launched last year, allows you to manage your career development activities from a single online platform. You can also use HERO to access applications such as PostalEASE, eReassign, eRetire, ePayroll and more. Other […]

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When the earth moves

The Postal Service wants you to know what to do if an earthquake strikes the area where you live and work. Two recent quakes in central California served as a reminder about the importance of being prepared. The July 4 and July 5 earthquakes, which registered magnitudes of 6.4 and 7.1, respectively, spurred more than […]

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Top dogs

To help mark this week’s release of the Military Working Dogs stamps, here are five facts about the nation’s combat canines. 1. There are approximately 2,300 military working dogs currently in service. Canines have been officially supporting American military operations since World War II. Today, at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland in Texas, the Air Force […]

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Yes, deer

A rural carrier associate in Riverside, IA, proved earlier this year that Postal Service customers aren’t the only ones who can benefit from the actions of concerned and compassionate employees. Elijah Hoyt was making deliveries on a snowy day in January when he spotted a fawn trapped in a wire fence alongside a road. He […]

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Making connections

During a recent tour of the Luling, LA, Post Office, the St. Charles Parish fire chief struck up a conversation with Customer Services Supervisor Frank Noto Jr. The chief was looking for a low-cost way to deliver the fire department’s newsletter to all residents of the parish. Noto was sure the Postal Service could help, […]

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Moving businesses forward

The Postal Service highlights the value of mail to business customers in “Fresh Look,” a new video. The 1-minute, 16-second segment shows how USPS is using innovations like Informed Delivery, Informed Visibility and targeted direct mail to help businesses promote their products and services to consumers. “Fresh Look” also cites research that shows top firms that […]

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Passport to knowledge

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. How many passport applications did USPS accept during fiscal 2018? a) 6.8 million b) 8.6 million c) 16.8 million d) 18.6 million 2. How many packages did USPS deliver […]

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Serious slip

Rural Carrier Victor Rios was delivering mail in Stuart, FL, in December when he heard a customer yell for help. Rios rushed to aid the man, who had slipped on a doormat at his front door and suffered a head injury. The Postal Service employee called 911 and comforted the customer until paramedics arrived. The […]

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Two small stamps

The Postal Service honored the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing by dedicating two stamps last week. During the July 19 ceremony at the John F. Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island, FL, the three astronauts from the moon-landing Apollo 11 mission — Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins — were praised as […]

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Tell them about it

The Postal Service wants managers, supervisors and others to tell craft employees about Link mobile, the Link site’s mobile-friendly version. Link mobile offers the same content available on Link’s desktop version — including news reports, feature stories and informational videos — but in a format that’s easy to read on smartphones, tablets and other mobile […]

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Learning and laughter

To help mark the arrival of the Sesame Street stamps, here are five facts about the pioneering children’s television series. 1. “Sesame Street” broke barriers from the beginning. Against the backdrop of the civil rights movement and the war on poverty, “Sesame Street” founders Joan Ganz Cooney and Lloyd Morrisett had a simple but revolutionary […]

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Revive to survive

Rural Carrier Sergio Cobain was delivering mail in Brooksville, FL, in January when he spotted a customer lying on the ground beside a road. Cobain rushed to check on the woman, who was unconscious, and immediately called 911. The Postal Service employee revived the customer, who had fallen, by the time paramedics arrived and took […]

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Game plan

The Carolina Panthers aren’t the only NFL team receiving an assist from the Postal Service this summer. USPS also is helping the Green Bay Packers travel to Canada for a pre-season game next month. It began when Danielle Downing, a retail supervisor at the Green Bay, WI, Main Post Office, was watching a TV news […]

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Learning more

Employees throughout Alabama District learned about new employment opportunities in the Postal Service at a recent career conference. The conference, held in Birmingham, allowed participants to network with district leaders, talk with career development professionals, attend workshops and learn about job openings in other parts of the organization. “This … was an excellent opportunity to […]

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Cybersecurity courses

The Postal Service has introduced three courses that employees must complete as part of their annual cybersecurity training. The deadline to complete the courses is Tuesday, Aug. 20. Each course provides instructions on how to safeguard postal and consumer data from cyberthreats. Employees who don’t complete the training by the deadline will have limited ACE […]

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Lunar knowledge

To help mark the release of the 1969: First Moon Landing stamps this week, here are seven facts about Earth’s closest neighbor. 1. The moon is not a dairy product. Despite countless children’s stories to the contrary, the moon is not made of cheese. Rocks that have been brought back from NASA’s Apollo missions show that […]

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Nick of time

Letter Carrier Clint Wood was recently making deliveries in a Lexington, MO, neighborhood when he grew concerned about an older customer whose mail was piling up. Wood alerted local Postmaster Lindsey Ashby, who immediately realized he was talking about her grandfather. Ashby rushed to the scene to check on the man, whom she found in […]

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Informed businesses

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. How many businesses and organizations use Informed Delivery to entice consumers to visit a website or to use a coupon or application? a) More than 2,000 b) More than […]

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New search tool

Search and find. The Postal Explorer site recently introduced a search tool for Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail. The tool allows employees to quickly access guidelines for hazardous materials, restricted matter, warning labels and more. The Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) and DMM Advisories are also available on the site. Peace and music. The […]

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Casting call

The Postal Service is inviting employees to audition for a holiday-themed advertising campaign. Employees who are chosen to participate could be featured in a variety of different types of USPS holiday ads. The audition is open to all employees. No prior acting experience is required. The USPS Holiday 2019 Employee Casting site has instructions on […]

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Creatures great and small

The Postal Service dedicated its Frogs stamps July 9 in Boise, ID. “Frogs play an important role, not only in their natural habitat, but to our daily lives,” said USPS Facilities Vice President Tom Samra, who led the ceremony. Because the amphibians have a permeable skin, it’s easy for them to absorb things in their […]

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