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Need help?

The Postal Service is reminding employees about the online resources available to help them accept, process and deliver ballots and political mailpieces during this year’s elections. The Election and Political Mail 2018 Blue page has an interactive map that allows employees to find the names and contact information for each state’s election and political mail coordinators. Lists of the election […]

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Anthony Robertson, Marinette, WI

City Carrier Assistant Anthony Robertson was recently delivering mail in Marinette, WI, when he witnessed a single-car accident. While a passerby called 911, Robertson rushed to the overturned vehicle to check on the driver. The Postal Service employee rendered aid by safely climbing atop the wreck, opening the door and turning off the ignition. Robertson […]

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Opportunities everywhere

Deanna “Dee” Moore sees everyone as a potential customer for USPS. Moore, an acting business development specialist in San Diego, helps companies, nonprofit groups and others find ways to use postal products and services to grow their organizations. This could include helping a restaurant advertise through Every Door Direct Mail or helping an online retailer […]

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Flight into history

A flight that marked a turning point in aviation history was recalled at last week’s United States Air Mail stamp dedication ceremony. The journey from College Park, MD, to New York City occurred Aug. 12, 1918, and marked the transition of airmail service from the Army to the U.S. Post Office Department. “Under the department’s […]

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So sorry

A recently rediscovered 1957 mailpiece sparked a Wall Street Journal essay last week about a disappearing art form: the apology letter. Paula Marantz Cohen, a dean and English professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia, wrote the essay, which describes a letter that a friend’s parents received from a businessman apologizing for a billing error. It […]

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Be prepared

Reminder: USPS wants employees to be prepared for hurricane season, which runs from June 1-Nov. 30 each year. Most coastal areas are subject to hurricanes. The storms can cause high winds, heavy rain, flooding and other dangerous conditions. Take these steps to prepare: • Complete a personal preparedness plan that includes a household inventory and the […]

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Emily Walker, State Center, IA

State Center, IA, Rural Carrier Emily Walker was recently making deliveries when she grew worried that a customer’s mail was piling up. Walker alerted the woman’s neighbor, who contacted the sheriff’s department. Officers checked on the customer and discovered that she needed medical attention after falling two days earlier. The woman is recovering from the […]

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Road to redemption

Clarence Carson remembers the night his life changed forever. It was 1998, and Carson, now the Cross River, NY, Postmaster, had been living on the streets for 10 years. He went to the homeless camp where he usually slept and saw that someone had set it on fire. “Living on the streets is very hard,” […]

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Safety first

Joe Lavoie takes heat safety seriously. The longtime letter carrier delivers mail and packages in Bakersfield, CA, where summertime temperatures are often in the 100s. “It does get hot here,” Lavoie says. To protect himself, he follows the guidelines that USPS provides employees who work in hot weather. Here are the tips: • Hydrate before, […]

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Use your illusion

The Art of Magic, a pane and souvenir sheet that celebrate magicians and the seemingly impossible illusions they create, will be released Tuesday, Aug. 7. The stamps honor an art form that has entertained people for centuries. Illusions include mental phenomena, defiance of natural laws, and transformation, among other types. The 20-stamp pane features five […]

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Linda McNulty, Portland, OR

After reading “Wish you were here,” the article about how people used postcards to send quick messages to loved ones, I thought about my mom and dad, who recently moved to a retirement community. I send them postcards about twice a week to help keep in touch. It’s fun to find antique, funny or interesting cards […]

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Tommy Daniels, Mesquite, TX

Letter Carrier Tommy Daniels was recently delivering mail in Mesquite, TX, when he encountered an older customer who’d fallen while watering plants in her front yard. The woman — who was muddy, shaken and concerned about putting weight on her knee replacements — wanted her husband’s help, but she’d been unable to get his attention […]

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The Postal Service has introduced a system to improve the way you receive training, enter performance goals, apply for job openings and perform other career development activities. HERO, formerly known as the Integrated Human Resources System, will be a single platform that replaces several “legacy” platforms, including the Learning Management System, eCareer, eIDP, the Performance […]

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Coming soon

The Postal Service has announced release dates for this year’s holiday stamps, along with the cities where the dedication ceremonies will be held: Madonna and Child by Bachiacca, Wednesday, Oct. 3, Santa Fe, NM Kwanzaa, Wednesday, Oct. 10, Raleigh, NC Sparkling Holidays, Thursday, Oct. 11, Pigeon Forge, TN Hanukkah, Tuesday, Oct. 16, Newport, RI The […]

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Cutting costs

Gary McClellan takes recycling seriously. McClellan, a custodian at the Baltimore Processing and Distribution Center, recognizes recycling as a way to both protect the environment and reduce costs. He helps his facility recycle a range of materials, including cardboard and plastics, as well as paper products like undeliverable marketing mail, a special area of focus. […]

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Special provisions

Do you remember the Hatch Act’s rules on social media? If not, here’s another look at what you should know. • First things first: The Hatch Act exists to protect you. The law, which dates to 1939, aims to keep politics out of federal workplaces. Specifically, the Hatch Act establishes rules to prevent federal employees from […]

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Dottie Wickham, Zanesville, OH

Letter Carrier Dottie Wickham was delivering mail on a snowy day in Zanesville, OH, this year when she spotted a 2-year-old boy in distress outside a residence. The toddler — who was wearing only a T-shirt, shorts and shoes — cried out to Wickham as she reached the front porch. She immediately took off her […]

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Postal 101

The Postal Service is working with universities to teach the nation’s future business leaders how to effectively use direct mail in marketing campaigns. USPS is rolling out the initiative at Bentley University in Waltham, MA, and Clemson University in Clemson, SC, where students are gaining hands-on experience with Irresistible Mail, a program that encourages businesses […]

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One for all

Vadessa Hernandez understands the value of teamwork. The Brooklyn, NY, retail associate is on a detail assignment as an acting retail specialist for Northeast Area’s Triboro District. In this role, she helps oversee retail activities at more than 140 Post Offices. “I’m only as successful as my team. We build each other up. We balance […]

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The Postal Service is reminding employees about the Environmental Tool Kit (ETK), an online application to help them manage environmental data and comply with environmental regulations. Through ETK, employees can manage information about their facility’s regulated activities and systems, including permits, registrations and implementation plans. This can help employees ensure records are accessible and up […]

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Wish you were here

Humblebragging about vacations and fancy meals is common on social media, but a recent retrospective on postcards is a reminder that the phenomenon isn’t new. Before Facebook and Instagram, postcards were how family and friends on holiday sent quick messages to each other. “People often like to brag a little. People went vacationing and sent […]

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Deborah Alton, Walkersville, WV

Retail Associate Deborah Alton was recently on duty at the Walkersville, WV, Post Office when she noticed that a customer in the parking lot was in medical distress. Alton rushed to aid the woman, who was unconscious in a vehicle with the door open, and called 911. The customer came to and said she suspected […]

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Out of bounds

Postal Service employees are continuing to learn about the Hatch Act. The long-standing law prohibits postal and other federal employees from engaging in political activity while on duty, while wearing a uniform, while on federal property or while inside a federal vehicle. In a new message, USPS is highlighting the real-life case of “Sandy” — […]

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Do it right

Greg Hokum doesn’t just deliver the mail each day. The Tacoma, WA, letter carrier takes pride in delivering excellent service, too. “I’ve always believed that a job worth doing is worth doing right,” he says. Hokum joined the Postal Service 13 years ago as a seasonal casual worker. He eventually became a letter carrier, and […]

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Higher ‘Reach’

“Informed Delivery Amplifies Mail Reach,” a new video on YouTube, features business customers discussing the advantages of using the mail notification service. “Informed Delivery gives brands [more] chances to deliver their message and inspire action,” says Chris Macdonald, North America president for McCann Worldgroup, a global advertising agency network. The 2-minute video is one of […]

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Need to know

Times are changing. The Postal Service is changing the hours for its Time and Attendance Collection System (TACS) Help Desk. Beginning Saturday, July 21, the hours of operation will be from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Central time, Monday-Saturday. The TACS Help Desk is closed Sundays. If you have questions after hours, call 855-411-8227 to leave a […]

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