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Package service standards

In light of the coronavirus pandemic and the delta variant’s effect on customers, the Postal Service will announce the implementation date for the revised First-Class Package Service standards after the holiday shipping season. The new service standards, announced in June, are designed to improve use of surface transportation, while decreasing reliance on costly and less […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. A snapshot of Postal Service scanning data shows the national rating was 96.75 percent during the week ending Oct. 8, down 0.09 percent from one week earlier. The data was collected Oct. 13. WestPac led the four areas with a rating of 97.08 percent, while Southern ranked last with a 96.49 percent rating. […]

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Innovators honored

Two business customers were honored with USPS Next Generation Campaign Awards at the virtual National Postal Forum in September. The awards honor the most creative and effective business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) mail campaigns. The Grand Champion Award, honoring the most innovative and effective B2C campaign, went to Frintz, a free-to-user service that prints physical […]

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Overseas gifts

The Postal Service has released this year’s suggested mail-by dates for customers who want to send holiday letters and packages to diplomatic and military service members overseas. The dates are listed in an Oct. 5 news release, along with details on ordering free military care kits and guidelines for addressing packages to Army/Air Post Offices, […]

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McCrery to lead CX

Marc D. McCrery has been named Customer Experience vice president, succeeding Kelly M. Sigmon, who is retiring at the end of the year. In his new role, McCrery will “partner with leaders across all business units to transform the customer and employee experience to ensure that our customers are at the center of every Postal […]

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Safety first

Letter Carrier Edgar Wiles was recently delivering mail in a Springfield, OH, neighborhood when he spotted a house on fire. Wiles rushed to the scene and guided a resident to safety. The Postal Service employee then called 911. Firefighters soon arrived to battle the blaze. […]

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Standards and deliver

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: (Blank) of First-Class Mail will be unaffected by service standards that took effect Oct. 1. a) 46 percent b) 51 percent c) 56 percent d) 61 percent […]

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Under wraps

The Postal Service is reminding employees to not reveal personally identifiable information to co-workers who don’t need to know that information. The Privacy Act of 1974 prohibits sharing most personal information with anyone at all, unless one of the law’s exceptions applies. The act’s “need to know” exception allows personal information to be given to […]

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World Post Day

World Post Day, an annual commemoration of mail’s role in the everyday lives of people and businesses, as well as its contribution to global social and economic development, will be observed Oct. 8 in the United States. This year’s event, which will be observed Oct. 9 in some countries, celebrates innovation. The Postal Service has […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. A snapshot of Postal Service scanning data shows the national rating was 96.68 percent during the week ending Oct. 1, down 0.29 percent from one week earlier. The data was collected Oct. 6. WestPac led the four areas with a rating of 97.05 percent, while Southern ranked last with a 96.13 percent rating. […]

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Watch what you heat

October is National Fire Prevention Month, a time to learn about fire safety so you and your loved ones can be protected. Fire is fast, hot, dark and deadly. In less than 30 seconds, a small flame can become a major fire. Residents may have as few as one to two minutes to escape safely […]

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Look who dropped in

The Postal Service will release A Visit From St. Nick, four new holiday stamps, on Oct. 7. When viewed together, the stamps create a storyboard depicting a traditional house call by the jolly old elf. In the first stamp, a sack-laden Santa approaches a chimney on a snow-covered roof. In the second, black boots peek […]

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Sigmon to retire

Kelly M. Sigmon, Customer Experience vice president since the organization’s establishment in 2018 and a 32-year veteran of the Postal Service, is retiring at the end of the year. In his announcement, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy praised Sigmon’s “steadfast and passionate commitment to our customers and employees through her entire career.” He has asked her […]

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A time for choosing

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn about different health plan options within the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program. The session, “How to Choose a Plan under the FEHB and FEDVIP Programs,” will be held Wednesday, Oct. 6, at noon EDT. Christel […]

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‘Powered by Inclusion’

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, when the spotlight turns to disability employment issues and to the contributions of workers nationwide with disabilities. “America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion” is the timely theme for this year. “The Postal Service is proud to recognize National Disability Employment Awareness Month,” said Deputy Postmaster General and Chief Human […]

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Business Reply Mail training

A required training course and video on Business Reply Mail procedures and invoicing is now available in HERO. The course, titled Business Reply Mail, is mandatory for Level 18 Postmasters, lead retail associates, retail associates, sales and service distribution clerks, postage due clerks, postage due technicians, mailing requirements clerks, bulk mail clerks, bulk mail technicians […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. A snapshot of Postal Service scanning data shows the national rating was 96.79 percent during the week ending Sept. 24, down 0.09 percent from one week earlier. The data was collected Sept. 29. Western Pacific led the four areas with a rating of 97.07 percent, while Southern ranked last with a 96.48 percent […]

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Honoring firefighters

Postal Service facilities that are open Sundays should fly the U.S. flag at half-staff on Oct. 3, which is National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service Day. USPS facilities that fly the flag at all times and are closed Sundays should lower the flag to half-staff when the facility closes prior to National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service […]

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Retirement webinar

An upcoming webinar will inform Postal Service employees about Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) accounts and how they fit into an overall retirement plan. The session, “Your TSP Account: What to Think About When Nearing Retirement or Considering Leaving the Government,” will be held Oct. 5 at 2 p.m. EDT. Registration is not required for the […]

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New safety tool coming

The Postal Service will roll out the Safety and Health Management Tool on Oct. 1. The tool, also known as SHMT, will replace the Employee Health and Safety (EHS) accident reporting process and the functionality of the old Safety Toolkit. The SHMT will help nonbargaining staff at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC, and in the […]

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Peak package pricing

Starting next week, USPS will temporarily increase some package product prices for the peak holiday season. The increases — which go into effect Oct. 3 and will remain in place until Dec. 26 — will affect Priority Mail, Priority Mail Express, First-Class Package Service, Parcel Select, USPS Retail Ground and Parcel Return Service. International products […]

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On-time deliveries

In his latest video message, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy thanks USPS employees for the organization’s recent service performance improvements. In August, the Postal Service delivered 94.1 percent of Marketing Mail on time when compared with the organization’s service standard — the highest level of service performance ever recorded for that mail category. USPS has made […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. A snapshot of Postal Service scanning data shows the national rating was 96.66 percent during the week ending Sept. 17, down 0.45 percent from one week earlier. The data was collected Sept. 22. Western Pacific led the four areas with a rating of 96.99 percent, while Atlantic ranked last with a 96.43 percent […]

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Wide world of wellness

There’s still time to give yourself a world-class wellness experience. The Worldwide Wellness challenge, a six-week interactive program to build behaviors for lifelong wellness while virtually traveling the globe, began last month. USPS employees can use their personal, nonpostal devices to log into the program website or download the Worldwide Wellness app to track physical […]

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Staying stocked

During National Preparedness Month, the Postal Service is encouraging employees to refresh their home emergency supply kit — including pet supplies, if necessary — by closely reviewing expiration dates. An emergency supply kit is a collection of basic items to sustain everyone in the household for 72 hours. Items should be stored in airtight plastic […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. A snapshot of Postal Service scanning data shows the national rating was 96.89 percent during the week ending Sept. 10, down 0.17 percent from one week earlier. The data was collected Sept. 15. Western Pacific led the four areas with a rating of 97.19 percent, while Atlantic ranked last with a 96.58 percent […]

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Hands on

As part of National Preparedness Month, the Postal Service is encouraging employees to prepare their personal mobile devices for emergency events. Technology can be unreliable if the device has no power or contains outdated emergency contact information. Here are a few tech-savvy tips for your personal devices: • Current contacts: Keep your contacts updated and […]

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National Postal Forum

The National Postal Forum, or NPF, is holding its second virtual conference of 2021 from Sept. 20-22. “NPF 2.0: Making Connections” is a chance for attendees from the Postal Service and leading business organizations to network, learn about new developments and take part in educational workshops. USPS will offer several, including sessions on direct mail, […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. A snapshot of Postal Service scanning data shows the national rating was 96.83 percent during the week ending Sept. 3, down 0.32 percent from one week earlier. The data was collected Sept. 8. Western Pacific led the four areas with a rating of 97.09 percent, while Southern ranked last with a 96.64 percent […]

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