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A new TV drama focuses on Benjamin Franklin

The nation’s first postmaster general is getting the prestige TV drama treatment. “Franklin,” an eight-part limited series starring Michael Douglas as Benjamin Franklin, will debut Friday, April 12, on Apple TV+. The series will chronicle a secret mission that Franklin embarked upon in December 1776, after he concluded his term as postmaster general. With the […]

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Making her mark

Like other communities in the path of this week’s total solar eclipse, the village of Sycamore, OH — population 800 — took steps to make the most of their moment out of the sun. Residents welcomed eclipse enthusiasts from out of town, including some who arrived in Sycamore a week early to ensure they had […]

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One for the ages

Who says nothing is forever anymore? The Postal Service’s first Forever stamp — the Liberty Bell — was issued on April 12, 2007, and dedicated that day at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall. By July of that year, 1.2 billion had been sold. The subject of the stamp was fitting, as the stamp liberated USPS and its […]

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Repeat business

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. True or false: Under USPS ethics rules, employees are permitted to also work for other delivery organizations. a) True b) False 2. Which stamp was the runner-up in the recent USPS […]

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Lightening the load

My name is Cameron Larsen and I’m a distribution operations supervisor at the Salt Lake City Processing and Distribution Center. I’m one of six supervisors at the plant. It’s a big effort. We need to keep on our toes to make sure we get everything processed to go out for delivery. I’m on tour 3, […]

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‘Managing Workplace Conflict’

Postal Service employees may participate in an upcoming webinar on ways to handle any conflicts in their work environment. The session, “Managing Workplace Conflict,” will be held Tuesday, April 16, at 12:30 p.m. Eastern. Representatives from DeVry University will lead the discussion. Participants must register before the event on the webinar website. Participation is voluntary. […]

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Coming around again

North America will experience its first total solar eclipse in almost seven years on Monday, April 8 — and there will be plenty of opportunities to mark the occasion with mailable mementos. The Hamburg, NY, Post Office is offering a celestial pictorial postmark that includes the words “total solar eclipse overhead path.” “It will be […]

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Betty Ford’s stamp is here

The Postal Service will release its Betty Ford stamp on Friday, April 5. The stamp, announced last month, honors the former first lady, who was widely admired for her support of women’s rights and her candor about the serious health challenges she faced. Born Elizabeth Anne Bloomer in 1918, she married Gerald R. Ford in […]

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Ball in the family

Postal scions played a big role in the Baltimore Orioles’ season opener March 28. Fourth-grader Aubree Singletary, 10, was chosen to throw out the ceremonial first pitch before the sold-out crowd at Camden Yards. Aubree is the daughter of Michelle Wright, a city carrier assistant at Baltimore’s Raspeburg station. Retired Oriole shortstop Cal “Iron Man” […]

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Looking back

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. How much did USPS employees pledge during the most recent Combined Federal Campaign, including the monetary value of volunteer hours? a) $2.85 million b) $816,000 c) $409,000 d) $90,000 2. What […]

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The long run

My name is Jeff White and I’m a letter carrier in Oyster Bay, a community on the North Shore of Long Island, NY. I joined the Postal Service 36 years ago. I chose USPS after I talked to my own letter carrier, who persuaded me to take the job for its stability. I love being […]

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Want to be a postal inspector?

The Postal Inspection Service is now accepting applications to fill postal inspector positions. These positions are open to qualified USPS career employees and external applicants. Postal inspectors are federal agents who enforce laws that defend postal employees and the nation’s mail system from illegal or dangerous use. They investigate criminal, civil and administrative violations of […]

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Diving deep with manatees

The Postal Service has released a video about its Save Manatee stamp. The aim of the stamp is to highlight the need to protect manatees, which were reclassified from endangered to threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act in 2017. The video features Isaac Cronkhite, USPS chief processing and distribution officer; Patrick Rose, executive director […]

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Heimlich hero

Customer Services Supervisor Michael Ray Tibbals saw a co-worker experiencing a medical emergency recently in the break room of the Spokane, WA, Processing and Distribution Center. Daniel Portillo, a custodian, was choking on a piece of ice and was unable to breathe. Tibbals performed the Heimlich maneuver on Portillo and dislodged the obstruction. Portillo declined […]

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First-class teacher

You can’t learn about American history without learning about the Postal Service. Just ask Terri Bertolosso Parker, a Modesto, CA, letter carrier who enjoys spending time in local elementary schools, helping students learn about USPS. During a recent visit to one school, Parker provided each student with a copy of Publication 100-K, A Kids’ History […]

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Conference recall

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Which USPS employees can participate in this year’s career conferences? a) All employees b) Career employees c) Noncareer employees d) Supervisors 2. What is the name of the spring wellness challenge […]

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It was fast, it didn’t last long but it left a legacy

In the mid-19th century, getting word from one coast to the other was a monthslong undertaking involving stagecoaches and steamships. The Gold Rush, the newly acquired Oregon and California territories, and the Mormons’ flight to what is now Utah created a surge of migration to the West. Yet railroad and telegraph lines reached only as […]

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EAP orientation

The USPS Employee Assistance Program will hold its next online orientation on Friday, April 5, from 9 to 9:30 a.m. Eastern. The orientations, held on the first Friday of each month, offer information on how Postal Service employees and their families can use the program. Employees must register in advance on the EAP website. […]

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Betty Ford

The Postal Service will dedicate its Betty Ford stamp on Friday, April 5, in Rancho Mirage, CA. The ceremony will be held at 11 a.m. Pacific at Eisenhower Health, in the Annenberg Health Science Building at 39000 Bob Hope Drive. The speakers will include Amber McReynolds, a member of the USPS Board of Governors. Attendees […]

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A natural pairing

The Postal Service will release two complementary stamps — Celebration Blooms and Wedding Blooms — on Friday, March 22. Both stamps are designed for use on special occasion invitations and RSVPs but they are suitable for any correspondence. Derry Noyes, an art director for USPS, designed the stamps using existing illustrations by artist Kim Parker. […]

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A new video celebrates bluegrass

The Postal Service has released a video about its new Bluegrass stamp. The Forever stamp celebrates the homegrown musical style, which draws from several traditions — especially the folk music of Appalachia. The three-minute video features Steve Monteith, the USPS chief customer and marketing officer; Chris Joslin, the Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame and Museum’s […]

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The accidental chef

City Carrier Assistant Rodrick Clayton Sr. was making deliveries recently in Hubbard, TX, when he saw a 12-year-old boy run out of a residence, screaming. Clayton rushed to check on the child, who had burned his face while cooking. The Postal Service employee called 911, rendered first aid and stayed with the boy until paramedics […]

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Remembering ‘Aunt Connie’

Constance Baker Motley, the subject of this year’s Black Heritage stamp, is remembered as a trailblazing icon of the Civil Rights Movement, but to Jeanette Perry, she was “Aunt Connie.” Perry, a Melville, NY, mail handler, is Motley’s great niece. They met when Motley spoke at another relative’s graduation ceremony. Days later, Motley and Perry […]

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Encore! Encore!

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: An actor portrayed (blank) at the recent Underground Railroad stamp ceremony. a) Frederick Douglass b) Harriet Jacobs c) Harriet Tubman d) None of the above 2. Where […]

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