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Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month, which honors American Indians and Alaska Natives, begins Nov. 1. This year’s theme is “Serving Our Nations.” The observance is held each November to celebrate the cultures, histories, traditions and contributions of American Indians and Alaska Natives. USPS employs more than 4,000 individuals who identify themselves as American Indian or Alaska […]

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Michael Schaefer, Lansing, MI

A relaxing golf outing recently took a much more serious course for Lansing, MI, Building Equipment Mechanic Michael Schaefer. The postal employee was waiting to start his game when he saw a man collapse and gasp for air before he stopped breathing. Schaefer knew that time was of the essence, so he immediately started performing […]

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When working outside the office, disable remote connectivity and Bluetooth capabilities on your USPS-provided devices to prevent them from connecting to unsecure wireless networks. Use the Virtual Private Network to connect to the Postal Service intranet. Request VPN access through eAccess. The CyberSafe at USPS Blue site has additional tips. […]

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New York minute

Kevin Crocilla has big plans for the Big Apple. Crocilla, who began his career as a letter carrier, was appointed New York City’s Postmaster in June. He now oversees one of the nation’s largest markets, with 67 branches and 4,100 employees. At the top of his to-do list is improving customers’ experiences in retail lobbies […]

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Coming attractions

The Postal Service will offer six promotions next year to encourage businesses and other customers to use mail. The promotions include discounts to customers that incorporate new printing techniques and mobile technologies into their mailings. For example, one promotion will allow first-time mailers to add print-mobile technology to as many as 10,000 mailpieces, while another […]

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Royal subjects

The history of postal reform in the United Kingdom is chronicled in a new exhibit at the National Postal Museum in Washington, DC. “From Royal Mail to Public Post” explains how the postal system began in 1516 as a closed network available only to King Henry VIII and high-ranking public officials. Postmen were royal messengers […]

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French connection

What do you do when you want the Shirley Temple stamp, but live in Paris? If you’re one 12-year-old girl named Marie, you mail a letter to USPS. “I love the USA and US stamps,” she wrote. “Please could you tell me how I can obtain your new stamp on Shirley Temple?” Shane Roush, a […]

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Mind your C’s

USPS leaders are emphasizing three “C’s” — candor, confidentiality and change — during the administration of the latest Postal Pulse survey. “Employees who take the survey should answer each question candidly. Their feedback helps the Postal Service identify issues and make improvements,” said Employee Engagement Executive Director Kelvin Williams. Additionally, employees are being reminded that […]

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Tip-top ship

The latest video in the Postal Service’s “Shipping Tips” series is designed to help customers choose the right USPS service to meet their needs. “How to Ship” covers a variety of topics, including the differences between Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express and what customers should expect when they use Click-N-Ship. The 1-minute, 30-second video also […]

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Mail magic

A Canadian marketing expert is encouraging clients to follow Harry Potter’s lead and discover the magic of direct mail. In a new LinkedIn post, Steve Falk challenges the perception that young adults — also known as millennials — respond best to online communication. He cites research that shows 66 percent of millennials have responded to […]

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Robert Marowski, Chicopee, MA

When Chicopee, MA, Letter Carrier Robert Marowski saw a customer sitting in her garage and heard her ask for help, it wasn’t clear what was wrong. As Marowski asked the customer questions, though, it became apparent she was disoriented. Marowski arranged for police to check on the woman and stayed with her until officers arrived […]

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Scanning scorecard

The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.27 percent during the week ending Oct. 14, up slightly from the previous week. Forty-two districts and three areas met or exceeded the national average. Dakotas (98.69 percent) finished first among the districts for the fourth consecutive week. Among the areas, Western (97.79 percent) reclaimed first after a […]

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Making news

Employees are continuing to embrace Link mobile, the new mobile-friendly version of the Postal Service’s daily news site. USPS introduced Link mobile this year for employees who don’t have access to postal computers or prefer to read news on their mobile devices. The site offers the same content that employees receive when they read Link on a desktop computer, including news […]

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Thimbles in a haystack

You’ve heard of looking for a needle in haystack. How about trying to find some thimbles in a mail stack? In the summer, a firm in Des Moines, IA, mailed two packages of thimbles to a company in Fairfield, IA. Somehow, the packages got lost along the way. The Fairfield company reported the handmade, sterling […]

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Pushing the envelope

Reminder: Bargaining employees began receiving the Postal Pulse survey at home this week. The survey comes in an envelope that has “Employee Survey Enclosed” printed on the front. Instructions are included for completing the survey and returning it to Gallup, the organization that conducts the Postal Pulse. Employees should bring the survey to work and […]

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Dan Cartee, New Bloomfield, MO

A young man who came into the New Bloomfiled, MO, Post Office recently was no ordinary customer. He was bloody, scared and upset. Retail Associate Dan Cartee knew that the man, who is around 20 and has physical and mental challenges, lived nearby with his parents. His father, the man said, had beaten him up. […]

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Job aids

The Retail Systems Software toolkit has a new job aid to assist with the control user workflow, which is used when an employee’s accountability is not removed before his or her departure and removal from the ACE active directory. The job aid’s Access and Remove Terminated Employee Accountability section can help users learn the purpose, restrictions, […]

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Leading the way

Swing voters say direct mail is more helpful than other media in deciding how and whom to vote for, a new USPS survey has found. Fifty-eight percent of respondents said direct mail is either “very helpful” or “somewhat helpful,” beating television (55 percent), the internet (48 percent) and email (46 percent). Not only do swing […]

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Fired up

USPS has announced the winner of the recent Fire Prevention Month safety poster contest, which proved so popular that it has inspired a new challenge. The contest highlighted Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 9-15) and the importance of preparation. District safety professionals competed on the new safety poster design. San Francisco District Safety Specialist Darryl Smith won […]

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