‘A home run’
Postal Service’s booth a big hit at CES
Tips of the Day
What’s the HRSSC?
Peter Rodocaj, Greensburg, PA
Westchester, NY, Rural Carrier Eileen Ferguson
Barbara Tarter, Muncie, IL
Shipping prices update
USPS aims to capitalize on package growth
Special delivery
Rep. Brenda Lawrence, a postal retiree, praises USPS
Road tips
Take your time and drive safely this winter
Renee Jones, Hampstead, NC
Harry Whitehouse, chief technology officer and co-founder of Endicia, a provider of electronic postage
Gregorio Escobar, Topeka, KS
Tips of the Day
Change of address
Heart to heart
New Love stamps celebrate enduring symbol of romance
Hot tickets
Grateful Dead shows mail is alive
Spam alert
Bogus emails may carry virus software
Lisa Boatwright, Pacoima, CA
Richmond, VA, philatelist David Robinson, who found one of the 100 “upright” Inverted Jenny stamps, on why he started collecting stamps at age 10
Love stories
Employee invited to write Valentine’s Day blog posts
Theresa Smith, Travelers Rest, SC
Tips of the Day
No W-2 yet?
Peals of laughter
USPS runs rings around The Onion
It all adds up
Unused sick leave helps CSRS and FERS retirees
Postal Bulletin
Latest issue highlights Premium Forwarding Service
PMG’s farewell
Donahoe reflects on the past — and looks to the future
Steve Fraley, West Memphis, AR
Tips of the Day
LMS made easy
Greater South Carolina District Operations Industrial Engineer Glenda Pinckney on LMP, a national initiative
Dong Le, Germantown, MD
PostalEASE notice
W-2 data did not display correctly Jan. 20
The daily miracle
Postal Service delivers under tough conditions, columnist writes