Reporting out
Postal agency releases latest update
Tamela Donaway, Berlin, MD
Baltimore Letter Carrier Stan McLaughlin
Tips of the Day
Jessica Rodriguez, Sioux Falls, SD
Link Extra
A season of success
‘Significant achievements to be proud of’
Making their mark
Employees delight in holiday postmarks
Follow that package
Video tracks holiday parcel from order to delivery
Postage refunds
Policy adjusted for Priority Mail Express
Two step
Footwear firm tests direct mailpieces
Roy Deleon, Grand Rapids, MI
Tips of the Day
What’s an SPBS?
Fayetteville, NC, Mail Processing Clerk Tanya Brooks
Mary Streb, Rochester, NY
Holiday hustle
Employees serve customers on busy day
Rush week
Late-season surge in packages expected
Santa’s little helpers
‘Today’ spotlights USPS holiday program
Wish list
Toddler only wants cards for Christmas
Opinions, please
Open season feedback sought
Safe shopping
Employees urged to stay alert during holidays
Barrett Wright, Jasper, IN
Greensboro, NC, Processing and Distribution Center Mail Handler Beau Carter
Tips of the Day
Friendly service
John Siwulich, Duluth, GA
Flags update
Half-staff order concluded Dec. 17
Link Extra
New labor deal
USPS, NPMHU reach tentative contract agreement
Twin peaks
USPS prepares for busy holiday week
Holiday happenings
Link mobile helps employees during peak season
Another holiday hit
Second USPS ad receives acclaim
Tips of the Day
Tax time tip