Kimberley Perryman, Virginia Beach, VA
Need to know
Flag notice, holiday hours and more
Link Extra
Suspicious packages arrest
Brennan praises employees, law enforcement
Marking a milestone
USPS celebrates 20 years of breast cancer stamp
Protect and serve
On the job: Washington, DC, Postal Police Officer Tyrone Williams
Diana Watkins, Elm Springs, AR
Patricia Wilson, Tuscola, IL
News quiz
How strong is your recall?
Need to know
T-shirt, awards deadlines and more
Fast lanes
Video spotlights Hot Wheels stamps
Link Extra
Suspicious mail
USPS offers safety reminder, tips
Pamela Parker, Vieques, PR
Tonja Hahn, Rapid City, SD
Got plans?
Four types of health coverage available
Feathered friends
Video spotlights Birds in Winter stamps
Need to know
Scanning, blog updates and more
Two thumbs up
Employees each log six decades of service
Ashley Warner, Grenville, NM
John Purdy, Washington, DC
How sweet it is
The list: 5 facts about candy and desserts
Call to action
Video spotlights Honoring First Responders stamp
Service improvements
USPS updates online refunds application
Breaking the rules
Hatch Act education campaign continues
Hoon Lee, New York
Eleanor Baker, Potomac, MD
Raising awareness
Special USPS T-shirts available
Adding value
Brennan discusses mail, other topics in video
The right stuff
Best practices: Striving for accuracy
Inside the box
Page offers communications material
Negotiations continuing
USPS, union extend talks