The Postal Service is getting help promoting Informed Delivery to younger consumers from some in-house experts: the organization’s summer interns.
College students from across the nation are interning with USPS during a 10-week program this summer, part of the organization’s broader workforce development efforts.
Several interns have been working on projects related to Informed Delivery, a free feature that allows users to digitally preview their incoming mail and manage their packages from computers, tablets and mobile devices.
“Informed Delivery is changing the way postal customers interact with their mailpieces,” said Monica Curiel, a San Diego State University student who is working on Informed Delivery projects at Pacific Area’s San Diego office.
Curiel and a group of fellow interns conducted a survey to gather data about how customers use Informed Delivery, created posters to advertise the feature to PO Box customers, and worked with the area’s Informed Delivery ambassadors on strategy sessions.
Interns at other offices have worked on similar projects.
“This year’s intern class has really provided some outstanding insight into the promotion of Informed Delivery as we aim to increase subscriptions across the country,” said Bob Dixon, product technology innovations director at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC.
“Getting the younger generation’s viewpoint is critical as we move the organization forward.”
The Informed Delivery pages on Blue, LiteBlue and have more information.