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Lunchtime rush

An employee responded to a customer’s medical emergency

A woman in a postal uniform sorts mail at a cubby
Northeast Harbor, ME, Retail Associate Holly Smith

Retail Associate Holly Smith was recently eating lunch in the break room at the Northeast Harbor, ME, Post Office when she heard a customer calling her name from the lobby.

The customer was helping a man who appeared to be showing signs of a possible stroke.

Smith called 911. She also noticed the man’s nose was running heavily and grabbed a box of tissues while talking to him to try and keep him alert.

When the ambulance arrived, Smith reported the man’s symptoms to the paramedics. He was taken to a nearby hospital.

Later that day, Smith received a call from him.

He had been discharged after learning he hadn’t suffered a stroke but rather had a reaction to a prescribed medication, coupled with dehydration. He thanked Smith for everything she did for him.

Postmaster Patrick White said the man “continues to praise” Smith for helping him.