Scanning snapshot. A snapshot of Postal Service scanning data shows the national rating was 96.88 percent during the week ending Nov. 5, down 0.09 percent from one week earlier.
The data was collected Nov. 10.
Central led the four areas with a rating of 97.16 percent, while Atlantic ranked last with a 96.7 percent rating.
Among the 50 districts, Washington, part of WestPac Area, ranked first with a 98.05 percent rating, while Puerto Rico, part of Southern Area, ranked last with an 86.65 percent rating.
Scanning data allows customers to track their mail and packages, which helps USPS deliver excellent service, boost loyalty and drive revenue.
To see the latest data, go to the Informed Visibility website and select “Customer Experience,” followed by “DES 2 Scan Performance.” Postal Service employees must request Informed Visibility access through eAccess.
Delivery data. From Oct. 1-29, the Postal Service delivered 91.1 percent of First-Class Mail on time when compared with the organization’s service standard, according to data released last week.
During the same period, USPS delivered 92.2 percent of Marketing Mail and 83.3 percent of Periodicals on time, the figures show.
Postal Bulletin. Postal Bulletin’s Nov. 4 edition has an overview of this year’s benefits enrollment season. The latest updates to USPS policies, procedures and forms are also included.
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