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Open eyes, ears

Employee’s tip brings in $255,360

Akron, OH, Retail Associate Lisa Hopkins recently used the Clerks Care program to generate new revenue for the Postal Service.

An Ohio employee’s question to a customer has resulted in more than a quarter of a million dollars in new estimated annualized revenue for the Postal Service.

Lisa Hopkins, a lead retail associate at the Akron Main Post Office, noticed a customer who was dropping off a large quantity of packages every day.

After asking if the customer would like to know more about USPS shipping options, Hopkins submitted a lead through Clerks Care, a program that allows retail associates, call center agents and machine and distribution clerks to pass on sales leads to the Postal Service.

Field Sales Representative Megan Hale followed up with the customer and closed a deal worth $255,360.

Sales generated from Clerks Care leads count toward the USPS Power of One campaign to raise revenue through sales leads from employees.

“Lisa kept her eyes and ears open,” said Mary Anderson, small-business engagement director at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC. “And the result was new revenue — a lot of new revenue. We hope every employee will follow her lead and talk to a small business in their community.”

The Postal Service is encouraging as many employees as possible to submit at least one lead through any of its six lead programs by Sept. 30. The Small Business Sales team is tracking program participation rates through its weekly “Drive to 35” downloadable report.

The Small Business and Lead Generation Programs Blue page has more information about Clerks Care and the other employee lead programs: Business Connect, Customer Connect, Mail Handlers, Rural Reach and Submit a Lead.

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