The Postal Service has improved its Single Package Lookup Tool, which integrates multiple tracking systems into one user-friendly application.
The application, also known as the SPLU Tool, produces an average of 46,000 tracking insights each day that employees use to resolve customer inquiries.
In July, the SPLU team conducted a survey to better understand employees’ experiences using the tool and determine what could be improved.
Based on the feedback, the team recently added new SPLU email templates, subscription capabilities and notification alerts.
Training material has also been added to the right-hand side of the Business Customer Support and Service Blue page, including a 16-minute video, job aids and SPLU application support contact information.
Additional material will be added as further SPLU improvements occur.
Employees interested in using the application must submit an eAccess request for Single Package Lookup, then select “Tracking Only” from the dropdown menu.
More than 52,000 employees throughout the Postal Service have used the application since its introduction during summer 2018.
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