More than 93,000 employees used the Postal Pulse survey’s new comment box this year to provide feedback in their own words to USPS.
Comments are now being reviewed, including ensuring the information adheres to Privacy Act requirements and that no personal identifying information is included.
Once this review and analysis is complete, Employee Engagement will provide the comments to the appropriate vice presidents and district managers.
“The interest and energy around seeing the survey comments is great,” Employee Engagement Executive Director Kelvin Williams said. “As with the response to the surveys, employee confidentiality is paramount with regard to the integrity of the survey, and that includes the verbatim comments.”
USPS added a comment box to the Postal Pulse survey this year in response to widespread employee requests. More than 245,000 employees participated in the survey, which was conducted from May 22-June 22.
The results, released July 31, show 25 percent of employees report feeling “engaged,” meaning they are involved, enthusiastic and committed to their work. This is up from 23 percent a year ago.
The results also show the Postal Service’s grand mean score was 3.34 on a scale of 1 to 5, up from 3.25 during the previous survey. The grand mean is the average of the survey’s 12 questions.
Boosting employee engagement is a core USPS business strategy. Research shows engaged employees work safer, have better attendance rates and provide better customer service.
The Employee Engagement Blue page has more information about the survey, including guidelines for managers and supervisors on conducting follow-up discussions with employees.
Employees with questions can email them to