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News quiz

Remembering the week that was

Jamie Wyeth signs stamp programs
Jamie Wyeth, son of Andrew Wyeth, signs programs at this week’s dedication of the stamps honoring his late father.

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end.

1. Who said this in a recent video: “Our ability to retain our current customer base and attract new business directly impacts the bottom line.”

a) PMG Megan J. Brennan
b) Chief Financial Officer Joseph Corbett
c) Chief Customer and Marketing Officer Jim Cochrane
d) Sales and Customer Relations Sr. VP Cliff Rucker

2. True or false: According to one psychologist, mail requests for sick children likely go viral because sending a card or letter triggers chemicals in the brain that allow people to feel rewarded.

a) True
b) False

3. Which scanning tip does Roseville, MI, Letter Carrier Janice O’Neal recommend?

a) Check scanner messages
b) If a barcode doesn’t scan, enter it manually
c) Look for “hidden” labels
d) All of the above

4. Which postal innovation was introduced in July 1963?

a) Free city delivery
b) Transcontinental airmail service
c) ZIP Codes
d) None of the above

5. Fill in the blank: Andrew Wyeth’s most iconic work is titled (blank).

a) “Chadd’s Wonder”
b) “Charlotte’s World”
c) “Christina’s World”
d) “Christina’s Wonder”

Answers: 1) a. 2) a. 3) d. 4) c. 5) c. 

Look for a new quiz next week and share your feedback with Link at

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