Michigan artist Alicea Davis is eager to sell her paintings abroad, so she recently turned to the Postal Service for help.
“I sell my work nationally,” Davis said. “I know there is great potential for new buyers internationally and want to capitalize on that potential.”
Davis is one of many entrepreneurs who attended a series of Grow Your Business workshops at Post Offices across the nation during the past month.
Attendees learned about USPS global shipping products, exporting, selling products online, filing customs forms digitally and calculating export shipping costs.
The free, day-long events were part of the Obama administration’s Made in Rural America initiative, which brings together federal resources to help rural communities gain access to new markets.
Detroit District Business Development Specialist Carol Zarek, who helped lead two workshops, said the events align with the Postal Service’s broader outreach to small businesses.
USPS also conducted an employee challenge to educate business customers about international products, participated in National Small Business Week and touted its small-business shipping services through TV ads.
“As our customers grow their business, the Postal Service will continue to grow,” Zarek said.