CFC salutes service members
Giving campaign to host Nov. 6 event with mental health focus
The Combined Federal Campaign will spotlight military support in November, with a special emphasis on the mental health needs of service members, veterans and their families.
Charities dedicated to supporting the military have long been part of the campaign, and several of them will participate in a virtual mental wellness event on Wednesday, Nov. 6.
The event is open to all employees, although nonexempt employees must be off the clock or on authorized breaks.
The Zoom link and passcode are available on LiteBlue.
The Postal Service has deep ties to the military community — nearly 73,000 employees are veterans of the armed forces.
They are colleagues who understand firsthand the hardships and sacrifices of service: long separations, celebrations spent apart, uncertain futures, frequent moves, and most devastating for those who experience it, the lingering effects of trauma.
Post-traumatic stress disorder and depression are prevalent in the military, according to the National Institutes of Health, particularly among those who have been deployed.
The suicide rate among veterans is at an all-time high, with an estimated 17 or more veterans dying by suicide every day.
Participants can sign up, search for and donate to the charities that support veterans through the Combined Federal Campaign website or mobile app.
The campaign, also known as the CFC, is the federal government’s workplace charity drive. The latest campaign began Sept. 1 and runs through Wednesday, Jan. 15.
Participation in the CFC is voluntary.
The USPS Employee Assistance Program is open to all employees, including veterans. Help is available 24/7 at EAP4YOU.com and at 800-327-4968 (800-EAP-4YOU); the TTY number is 877-492-7341.

Learn about your benefits options
USPS will offer a virtual fair throughout open season
Postal Service employees may participate in a virtual benefits fair throughout this year’s open season, which runs from Monday, Nov. 11, through Monday, Dec. 9.
The fair will offer information about the Postal Service Health Benefits Program, Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, flexible spending accounts and other topics.
During open season, employees can go to the fair site 24/7 to visit virtual booths, watch instructional videos and participate in educational seminars and games.
Employees can participate in live chats, live Q&A sessions with benefits specialists and “Open Season 101” webinars during designated days:
• Sunday, Nov. 3, 1 to 3 p.m. Eastern: “Open Season 101” webinar
• Tuesday, Nov. 5, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern: Live chats
• Saturday, Nov. 16, 1 to 3 p.m. Eastern: “Open Season 101” webinar
• Thursday, Nov. 21, 3 to 9 p.m. Eastern: Live chats
• Wednesday, Dec. 4, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern: Live chats
• Monday, Dec. 9, noon and 5 p.m. Eastern: Live Q&A sessions with benefits specialists
Participation is voluntary and must be off the clock. Employees can register on the fair website or by going to the MyHR website’s open season page.

Appointments, awards and more
Here’s a look at recent USPS announcements
• Hanne J. Anchondo was named Mountain Ranch, CA, postmaster. She previously served as a Sacramento, CA, data collection technician.
• Kevin M. Gaughan, facilities repairs and alterations director, retired Oct. 18 after 28 years with the Postal Service.
• Brandy N. Grant was named the Charlotte, NC, Local Processing Center’s plant manager. She previously served as the Greensboro, NC, Network Distribution Center’s processing support manager.
• Phyllis O’Neil-McInnis, Atlantic Area’s human resources field director, was named national human resources acting senior director. Donna D. Gill, safety and health field operations executive manager, was named Atlantic Area’s field human resources acting director.
Got news to share? Email Link.
‘Keep Calm and Learn About Diabetes’
Postal Service employees may participate in an upcoming webinar offering insights into diabetes and practical advice for diabetics and those supporting them.
The session, “Keep Calm and Learn about Diabetes,” will be held Wednesday, Nov. 6, at noon Eastern.
Representatives from CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, a provider of health plans for federal employees, will lead the discussion.
Participants must register before the event on the webinar website.
Participation is voluntary. Nonexempt employees must be off the clock or on authorized breaks.
Employees with questions can email the USPS Benefits and Wellness team.
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What's included
CFC salutes service members
Giving campaign to host Nov. 6 event with mental health focus
Learn about your benefits options
USPS will offer a virtual fair throughout open season
Appointments, awards and more
Here’s a look at recent USPS announcements
‘Keep Calm and Learn About Diabetes’