A new video celebrates bluegrass
USPS highlights the music behind the stamp
The accidental chef
An employee aided a boy after a kitchen mishap
Remembering ‘Aunt Connie’
A mail handler recalls her connection to Constance Baker Motley and a carrier retires after 66 years
News Quiz
Encore! Encore!
See how much you remember about these recent Link stories
Postal Bulletin covers Heat Illness Prevention Program
These stamps are squaring off on social media
USPS is asking customers to choose their 2024 ‘tournament’ favorites
Off the Clock
Hot on the heels of Hot Wheels
This mail handler uses his free time to acquire miniature vehicles
Staying CyberSafe at USPS
‘Mailin’ It!’ talks to the chief information security officer
WestPac, IA-NE-SD on top in scanning
The twang’s all here
A stamp that honors the high lonesome sound is dedicated at the Bluegrass Hall of Fame
Seek and she shall find
This carrier located and reunited a lost, disoriented customer with his family
Appointments, awards and more
Here’s a look at recent USPS announcements
‘Caring for Aging Parents’
Save Manatees
USPS, Inspection Service continue to combat postal crime and protect employees
Product solutions VP to retire
Thomas Foti oversees pricing, classification and other areas
On the Job
A little bit of everything
This group leader is a key player at the USPS Remote Encoding Center
Springing into health
The Nourish wellness challenge begins April 1
‘Balancing Act: Thriving With Diabetes’
Week in Review
Here’s what Link covered March 10-16
Stories about the Underground Railroad and St. Patrick’s Day were in the mix
Virtual job fair
The grass isn’t always greener
An employee saw his neighbor take a tumble while mowing a lawn
USPS unveils Betty Ford stamp
The dedication ceremony will take place April 5 in Rancho Mirage, CA
Walsh nominated for USPS Board of Governors seat
Wellspring of courage
The tiny locale that hosted the Underground Railroad stamp ceremony played a big role in the fight for freedom
She found $10K in cash — and turned it in
The rural carrier saw the money flying through the air
Two stamp releases are on the way
Bluegrass and Garden Delights arrive this weekend
Erin go bragh!
These stamps honored Americans of Irish heritage
Billings or bust
One carrier allows fate to choose his home and another marks 60 years of service
News Quiz
Fair play
Do you remember what you’ve read in Link?