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He gave the shirt off his back

A carrier aided a co-worker who had suffered a dog bite

USPS Letter Carrier Jeremy King
White Plains, NY, Letter Carrier Jeremy King

Letter Carrier Jeremy King was assisting a co-worker recently with deliveries on her White Plains, NY, route, but he ended up helping in more ways than one.

King was in his vehicle when he saw a customer attempt to introduce a dog to Letter Carrier Amy Fowler, who was loading her vehicle. The dog suddenly turned aggressive and lunged at her.

The dog bit Fowler’s arm while the owner struggled to gain control of the animal. After the dog let go and was restrained, Fowler had a gash around 2.5 inches long.

King removed his shirt and tied it around Fowler’s arm to stop the bleeding, using his belt to secure the tourniquet. He then called their supervisor to report the incident.

After helping Fowler into his vehicle, King drove her to the nearest hospital.

Doctors credited King’s actions with stemming Fowler’s blood loss and potentially saving her life. Fowler is continuing to recover from the incident.

Employees featured in “Heroes” receive letters of commendation through the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program. The nomination form is available on Blue.