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Here’s what Link covered Aug. 25-31

Letter writing, HERO’s retirement and a postal family made news

A stamped letter getting decorated
The Letter Writers Society encourages its members to become pen pals.

Last week, Link told you about letter writing groups that encourage people to preserve the classic form of communication.

“Handwritten letters slow us down and promote a peaceful mind. It’s definitely analog, but writing letters is therapeutic for me personally and it can help relieve anxiety,” said Sonnia Jean Kemmer, founder of Letter Writers Society, one such group.

Link also reported on the retirement of HERO, the Postal Service’s online learning platform; an upcoming USPS virtual conference to discuss the organization’s plans to improve mail processing and transportation; and a new video message on the Postal Pulse employee survey from Doug Tulino, the deputy postmaster general and chief human resources officer.

Other stories looked at the history of Labor Day, tagging requirements for Ballot Mail and Political Mail, and exemptions from the Freedom of Information Act disclosures.

Additionally, we introduced you to Max Valdivia, a Rancho Cucamonga, CA, letter carrier who aided a military veteran who fell in his driveway, and the Pena family, which has three generations of mail carriers in Chula Vista, CA.

“I’m proud to work with my family and see them every day,” said David J. Pena, one of the carriers. “It’s fun to work with them.”