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Profiles in courage

Link revisited two heroes this year

In September, Link revisited Greenwich, CT, Letter Carrier Jermaine Shirley, a 2014 Postmaster General Heroes’ Program honoree.

The Postmaster General Heroes’ Program turned 20 this year — and Link marked the anniversary by revisiting two memorable honorees.

First up: Joseph Grabauskas, a Wilmington, DE, letter carrier who helped pave the way for the program’s creation after he helped rescuers evacuate people and pets from an apartment complex during a flood in 2003.

“They’re difficult memories,” Grabauskas told Link in May, shortly before he retired from USPS after 37 years.

Later, Link caught up with Jermaine Shirley, a Greenwich, CT, letter carrier who was honored in 2014 after he caught twin infants when they were dropped — one by one — from a burning apartment building, carrying each child to safety.

Recalling the experience, Shirley said the incident earned him a nickname with his co-workers.

“They call me Hero,” he said. “I like it.”

Grabauskas and Shirley are two of more than 5,500 Postal Service employees who have been honored through the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program since it began two decades ago.

Honorees are also featured in Link’s “Heroes’ Corner” column.

To nominate an employee, complete PS Form 400, Corporate Communications PMG Hero Nomination, and email it to