“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end.
1, True or false: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers VaccineFinder, a free online service that lists COVID-19 vaccination sites with open appointments nearby.
a) True
b) False
2, How many USPS retail counters offer Photo Services Only appointments for passport customers?
a) 170
b) 1,700
c) 17,000
d) 170,000
3. What was the approximate value of the shipping tip that Grand Prairie, TX, Postmaster Roy Russell recently submitted through Business Connect?
a) $1,240
b) $12,400
c) $124,000
d) $12.4 million
4. Where is the Anthony Puccio Letter Carrier Academy located?
a) Brooklyn, NY
b) The Bronx, NY
c) Kearny, NJ
d) Manhattan
5. Fill in the blank: The Postal Service held its Raven Story stamp dedication ceremony in the Alaska city of (blank).
a) Anchorage
b) Fairbanks
c) Juneau
d) Seward
Answers: 1) a. 2) c. 3) d. 4) d. 5) c.
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