The Postal Service wants employees to know that when a suspicious cybersecurity incident occurs, time is of the essence.
Cybersecurity incidents — which include phishing emails, hacked devices and lost or stolen equipment — compromise USPS information resources.
Before the situation spirals out of control, the CyberSafe at USPS team advises employees to do the following:
• Report missing USPS-issued laptop computers, mobile phones or tablets. Use the ServiceNow website to submit a “Lost or Stolen Device” form.
• Evaluate suspicious emails. Without opening any attachments or clicking on links embedded in the message, select the suspicious email and click the “Report to CyberSafe” button located in the Outlook toolbar.
• Email the USPS CyberSecurity Operations Center to report other suspicious incidents. The email address is
The CyberSafe at USPS Blue page has more information.