The Postal Service wants employees to protect themselves from heat-related illnesses as summertime temperatures start to heat up.
You should hydrate before, during and after work, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Research shows you should drink at least 8 ounces of water every 20 minutes.
On warm days, wear light-colored, loose-fitting and breathable clothing to keep your body temperature down.
You should also avoid direct sunlight whenever possible, apply sunscreen of at least sun protection factor 15 and use shaded areas to stay cool.
The Postal Service also wants you to know the following signs of heat-related illnesses:
• Hot, dry skin or profuse sweating;
• Headaches;
• Confusion or dizziness;
• Nausea or vomiting;
• Rapid pulse;
• Muscle cramps;
• Weakness or fatigue; and
• Rashes.
If you or a co-worker experience signs of heat stress or another heat-related illness, call 911 immediately and notify your supervisor.
The Safety Blue page has more information.