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Still selling

Two semipostal stamps get extensions

The Save Vanishing Species semipostal stamp, released in 2011, shows an Amur tiger cub.

The Postal Service has resumed selling the Save Vanishing Species semipostal stamp.

All Post Offices, stations, branches and contract postal units have been reauthorized to begin selling the stamps and related products again. The stamps will also be sold through Stamp Fulfillment Services and

The stamps, which feature an Amur tiger cub, were first released in 2011 and have raised more than $5 million.

Proceeds from the sale of these stamps are transferred to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to support multinational species conservation funds, including the African Elephant Conservation Fund, the Asian Elephant Conservation Fund, the Great Ape Conservation Fund, the Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund and the Marine Turtle Conservation Fund.

The stamps had been withdrawn from sale at the end of 2018 and were held until legislation reauthorizing their sale was signed into law, which happened in late December.

The same legislation also authorizes the continued sale of the Breast Cancer Research semipostal stamp through Dec. 31, 2027.

The Breast Cancer Research stamp was first issued in 1998 and has raised almost $90 million.

Proceeds from these stamp sales are divided between the National Institutes of Health and the Medical Research Program at the Department of Defense.

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