Jacqueline Nutter spent a recent Sunday afternoon discussing a serious subject — breast cancer — in an unlikely setting: FedEx Field, home of the Washington Redskins football team.
“I love talking about breast cancer awareness because I don’t want another woman to hear they have breast cancer and feel death is the next destination,” said Nutter, a safety specialist in Capital Metro Area’s Capital District.
Nutter, a breast cancer survivor, was part of a special event at the stadium to promote the importance of early detection. She is one of many Postal Service employees who took time in October to participate in Breast Cancer Awareness Month activities.
Employees also donned special T-shirts Oct. 19 during Wear Pink Day, while others encouraged customers to purchase the Breast Cancer Research semipostal stamp, which marked its 20th anniversary this year.
“Our customers have turned the simple act of purchasing postage stamps into a meaningful and effective way to participate in the fight against breast cancer,” said William Schwartz, manager of Western Area’s Portland District.
Throughout the organization, postal workers said they appreciated the opportunity to show their support for an important cause.
In Eastern Area’s Ohio Valley District, more than 75 employees participated in an event where they learned more about breast cancer, as well as the Postal Service’s contributions toward finding a cure.
Said Acting Marketing Manager Twana Barber: “I’m an advocate for engagement, and being able to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month afforded our department a great opportunity.”