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Need to know

Open season, shipping reminders

You can use PostalEASE to make changes to your health coverage throughout open season.

At ease. Reminder I: You can use PostalEASE to enroll in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program or the USPS Health Benefits Plan during this year’s open season.

You can access PostalEASE from the Benefits Enrollment Changes LiteBlue page or by calling the employee service line at 877-477-3273 and selecting option 1. (TTY: 866-260-7507).

To make changes to your dental or vision plans, log on to the Benefeds site or call 877-888-3337 (TTY: 877-899-5680).

To enroll in a flexible spending account for 2018, use the FSA Feds site or call 877-372-3337 (TTY: 800-952-0450).

Open season, the annual period when you can make changes to your health coverage, ends Dec. 11.

Shipping news. Reminder II: USPS offers several instructional videos that can help customers who plan to ship packages this holiday season.

The four “Shipping Tips” videos are available on the Link site and the Postal Service’s YouTube channel.

What’s on your mind? Reminder III: Link always wants to hear from its readers. Email your feedback to

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